72 lines
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72 lines
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# Dynamic content
Use `(foo)` syntax to splice in the value of `foo` at runtime. Any HTML special characters are escaped by default.
let best_pony = "Pinkie Pie";
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
html! {
p { "Hi, " (best_pony) "!" }
p {
"I have " (numbers.len()) " numbers, "
"and the first one is " (numbers[0])
Arbitrary Rust code can be included in a splice by using a [block](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference.html#block-expressions). This can be helpful for complex expressions that would be difficult to read otherwise.
html! {
p {
let f: Foo = something_convertible_to_foo()?;
## Splices in attributes
Splices work in attributes as well.
let secret_message = "Surprise!";
html! {
p title=(secret_message) {
"Nothing to see here, move along."
To concatenate multiple values within an attribute, wrap the whole thing in braces. This syntax is useful for building URLs.
const GITHUB: &'static str = "https://github.com";
html! {
a href={ (GITHUB) "/lfairy/maud" } {
"Fork me on GitHub"
## What can be spliced?
You can splice any value that implements [`std::fmt::Display`][Display]. Most primitive types (such as `str` and `i32`) implement this trait, so they should work out of the box.
To change this behavior for some type, you can implement the [`Render`][Render] trait by hand. The [`PreEscaped`][PreEscaped] wrapper type, which outputs its argument without escaping, works this way. See the [traits](./traits.md) section for details.
use maud::PreEscaped;
let post = "<p>Pre-escaped</p>";
html! {
h1 { "My super duper blog post" }
[Display]: http://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.Display.html
[Render]: https://docs.rs/maud/*/maud/trait.Render.html
[PreEscaped]: https://docs.rs/maud/*/maud/struct.PreEscaped.html