#![feature(conservative_impl_trait, plugin)] #![plugin(maud_macros)] extern crate maud; use std::fmt; #[test] fn if_expr() { for (number, &name) in (1..4).zip(["one", "two", "three"].iter()) { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { @if number == 1 { "one" } @else if number == 2 { "two" } @else if number == 3 { "three" } @else { "oh noes" } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, name); } } #[test] fn if_let() { for &(input, output) in [(Some("yay"), "yay"), (None, "oh noes")].iter() { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { @if let Some(value) = input { (value) } @else { "oh noes" } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, output); } } #[test] fn for_expr() { let ponies = ["Apple Bloom", "Scootaloo", "Sweetie Belle"]; let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { ul @for pony in &ponies { li (pony) } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, concat!( "<ul>", "<li>Apple Bloom</li>", "<li>Scootaloo</li>", "<li>Sweetie Belle</li>", "</ul>")); } #[test] fn match_expr() { for &(input, output) in [(Some("yay"), "<div>yay</div>"), (None, "oh noes")].iter() { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { @match input { Some(value) => { div (value) }, None => { "oh noes" }, } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, output); } } #[test] fn match_expr_without_delims() { for &(input, output) in [(Some("yay"), "yay"), (None, "<span>oh noes</span>")].iter() { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { @match input { Some(value) => (value), None => span "oh noes", } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, output); } } #[test] fn match_expr_with_guards() { for &(input, output) in [(Some(1), "one"), (None, "none"), (Some(2), "2")].iter() { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { @match input { Some(value) if value == 1 => "one", Some(value) => (value), None => "none", } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, output); } } #[test] fn match_in_attribute() { for &(input, output) in [(1, "<span class=\"one\">1</span>"), (2, "<span class=\"two\">2</span>"), (3, "<span class=\"many\">3</span>")].iter() { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { span class=@match input { 1 => "one", 2 => "two", _ => "many", } { (input) } }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, output); } } #[test] fn call() { fn ducks(w: &mut fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result { write!(w, "Ducks") } let mut s = String::new(); let swans = |yes| if yes { |w: &mut fmt::Write| write!(w, "Swans") } else { panic!("oh noes") }; html!(s, { @call (ducks) @call (|w: &mut fmt::Write| write!(w, "Geese")) @call (swans(true)) }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, "DucksGeeseSwans"); } fn assert_cute<'a>(name: &'a str) -> impl maud::Template + 'a { template! { p { (name) " is the cutest" } } } #[test] fn template() { let mut s = String::new(); html!(s, { @call (assert_cute("Pinkie Pie")) @call (assert_cute("Rarity")) }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, "<p>Pinkie Pie is the cutest</p><p>Rarity is the cutest</p>"); }