use syntax::ast::{Expr, Ident, Pat, Stmt, TokenTree, TtToken}; use syntax::codemap::DUMMY_SP; use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt; use syntax::parse::token; use syntax::ptr::P; use maud; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum Escape { PassThru, Escape, } pub struct Renderer<'cx> { pub cx: &'cx ExtCtxt<'cx>, writer: Ident, result: Ident, loop_label: Vec<TokenTree>, stmts: Vec<P<Stmt>>, tail: String, } impl<'cx> Renderer<'cx> { /// Creates a new `Renderer` using the given extension context. pub fn new(cx: &'cx ExtCtxt<'cx>, writer_expr: Vec<TokenTree>) -> Renderer<'cx> { let writer = token::gensym_ident("__maud_writer"); let result = token::gensym_ident("__maud_result"); let loop_label = token::gensym_ident("__maud_loop_label"); let writer_stmt = quote_stmt!(cx, let $writer = &mut $writer_expr).unwrap(); Renderer { cx: cx, writer: writer, result: result, loop_label: vec![TtToken(DUMMY_SP, token::Lifetime(loop_label))], stmts: vec![writer_stmt], tail: String::new(), } } /// Creates a new `Renderer` under the same context as `self`. pub fn fork(&self) -> Renderer<'cx> { Renderer { cx:, writer: self.writer, result: self.result, loop_label: self.loop_label.clone(), stmts: Vec::new(), tail: String::new(), } } /// Flushes the tail buffer, emitting a single `.write_str()` call. fn flush(&mut self) { if !self.tail.is_empty() { let expr = { let w = self.writer; let s = &*self.tail; quote_expr!(, $w.write_str($s)) }; let stmt = self.wrap_try(expr); self.stmts.push(stmt); self.tail.clear(); } } /// Reifies the `Renderer` into a block of markup. pub fn into_expr(mut self) -> P<Expr> { let Renderer { cx, result, loop_label, stmts, .. } = { self.flush(); self }; quote_expr!(cx, { let mut $result = Ok(()); $loop_label: loop { use ::std::fmt::Write; $stmts break $loop_label; } $result }) } /// Reifies the `Renderer` into a raw list of statements. pub fn into_stmts(mut self) -> Vec<P<Stmt>> { let Renderer { stmts, .. } = { self.flush(); self }; stmts } /// Pushes a statement, flushing the tail buffer in the process. fn push(&mut self, stmt: P<Stmt>) { self.flush(); self.stmts.push(stmt); } /// Pushes a literal string to the tail buffer. fn push_str(&mut self, s: &str) { self.tail.push_str(s); } /// Wraps an expression in a `try!` call. fn wrap_try(&self, expr: P<Expr>) -> P<Stmt> { let result = self.result; let loop_label = &self.loop_label; quote_stmt!(, match $expr { Ok(()) => {}, Err(e) => { $result = Err(e); break $loop_label; } }).unwrap() } /// Appends a literal string, with the specified escaping method. pub fn string(&mut self, s: &str, escape: Escape) { let escaped; let s = match escape { Escape::PassThru => s, Escape::Escape => { escaped = maud::escape(s); &*escaped }, }; self.push_str(s); } /// Appends the result of an expression, with the specified escaping method. pub fn splice(&mut self, expr: P<Expr>, escape: Escape) { let w = self.writer; let expr = match escape { Escape::PassThru => quote_expr!(, write!($w, "{}", $expr)), Escape::Escape => quote_expr!(, write!( ::maud::rt::Escaper { inner: $w }, "{}", $expr)), }; let stmt = self.wrap_try(expr); self.push(stmt); } pub fn element_open_start(&mut self, name: &str) { self.push_str("<"); self.push_str(name); } pub fn attribute_start(&mut self, name: &str) { self.push_str(" "); self.push_str(name); self.push_str("=\""); } pub fn attribute_empty(&mut self, name: &str) { self.push_str(" "); self.push_str(name); } pub fn attribute_end(&mut self) { self.push_str("\""); } pub fn element_open_end(&mut self) { self.push_str(">"); } pub fn element_close(&mut self, name: &str) { self.push_str("</"); self.push_str(name); self.push_str(">"); } /// Emits an `if` expression. /// /// The condition is a token tree (not an expression) so we don't /// need to special-case `if let`. pub fn emit_if(&mut self, if_cond: Vec<TokenTree>, if_body: Vec<P<Stmt>>, else_body: Option<Vec<P<Stmt>>>) { let stmt = match else_body { None => quote_stmt!(, if $if_cond { $if_body }), Some(else_body) => quote_stmt!(, if $if_cond { $if_body } else { $else_body }), }.unwrap(); self.push(stmt); } pub fn emit_for(&mut self, pattern: P<Pat>, iterable: P<Expr>, body: Vec<P<Stmt>>) { let stmt = quote_stmt!(, for $pattern in $iterable { $body }).unwrap(); self.push(stmt); } }