# Getting started

## Add Maud to your project

Once Rust is set up,
create a new project with Cargo:

cargo new --bin pony-greeter
cd pony-greeter

Add `maud` to your `Cargo.toml`:

maud = "*"

Then save the following to `src/main.rs`:

use maud::html;

fn main() {
    let name = "Lyra";
    let markup = html! {
        p { "Hi, " (name) "!" }
    println!("{}", markup.into_string());

`html!` takes a single argument:
a template using Maud's custom syntax.
This call expands to an expression of type [`Markup`][Markup],
which can then be converted to a `String` using `.into_string()`.

[Markup]: https://docs.rs/maud/*/maud/type.Markup.html

Run this program with `cargo run`,
and you should get the following:

<p>Hi, Lyra!</p>

Congrats – you've written your first Maud program!

## Which version of Rust?

While Maud works well
on both stable and [nightly] versions
of Rust,
the error messages are slightly better
on nightly.
For this reason,
it is recommended to develop using nightly Rust,
but test and deploy using stable.

[nightly]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/appendix-07-nightly-rust.html