
extern crate maud;

use maud::{Markup, Render};

/// Links to an external stylesheet.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(maud_macros)]
/// # extern crate maud;
/// # extern crate maud_extras;
/// # use maud_extras::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let markup = html! { (Css("styles.css")) };
/// assert_eq!(markup.into_string(),
///            r#"<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">"#);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Css<T: AsRef<str>>(pub T);

impl<T: AsRef<str>> Render for Css<T> {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            link rel="stylesheet" href=(self.0.as_ref()) /

/// Links to an external script.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(maud_macros)]
/// # extern crate maud;
/// # extern crate maud_extras;
/// # use maud_extras::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let markup = html! { (Js("app.js")) };
/// assert_eq!(markup.into_string(),
///            r#"<script src="app.js"></script>"#);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Js<T: AsRef<str>>(pub T);

impl<T: AsRef<str>> Render for Js<T> {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            script src=(self.0.as_ref()) {}

/// Generate a `<meta>` element.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(maud_macros)]
/// # extern crate maud;
/// # extern crate maud_extras;
/// # use maud_extras::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let markup = html! { (Meta("description", "test description")) };
/// assert_eq!(markup.into_string(),
///            r#"<meta name="description" content="test description">"#);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Meta<T: AsRef<str>, U: AsRef<str>>(pub T, pub U);

impl<T: AsRef<str>, U: AsRef<str>> Render for Meta<T, U> {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            meta name=(self.0.as_ref()) content=(self.1.as_ref()) /

/// Generate a `<title>` element.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(maud_macros)]
/// # extern crate maud;
/// # extern crate maud_extras;
/// # use maud_extras::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let markup = html! { (Title("Maud")) };
/// assert_eq!(markup.into_string(),
///            r#"<title>Maud</title>"#);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Title<T: AsRef<str>>(pub T);

impl<T: AsRef<str>> Render for Title<T> {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            title (self.0.as_ref())

/// Generate a `<meta charset="...">` element.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(maud_macros)]
/// # extern crate maud;
/// # extern crate maud_extras;
/// # use maud_extras::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let markup = html! { (Charset("utf-8")) };
/// assert_eq!(markup.into_string(),
///            r#"<meta charset="utf-8">"#);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Charset<T: AsRef<str>>(pub T);

impl<T: AsRef<str>> Render for Charset<T> {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            meta charset=(self.0.as_ref()) /

/// Generate a `<meta property>` element.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #![feature(plugin)]
/// # #![plugin(maud_macros)]
/// # extern crate maud;
/// # extern crate maud_extras;
/// # use maud_extras::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let markup = html! { (MetaProperty("og:description", "test description")) };
/// assert_eq!(markup.into_string(),
///            r#"<meta property="og:description" content="test description">"#);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct MetaProperty<T: AsRef<str>, U: AsRef<str>>(pub T, pub U);

impl<T: AsRef<str>, U: AsRef<str>> Render for MetaProperty<T, U> {
    fn render(&self) -> Markup {
        html! {
            meta property=(self.0.as_ref()) content=(self.1.as_ref()) /