Chris Wong 97a71d7bc3 Require that all literal strings are quoted
Unquoted literals are confusing, annoying to implement, and rarely used.
We're better off without them.
2016-08-18 22:31:12 +12:00

152 lines
3.8 KiB

extern crate maud;
fn literals() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, "du\tcks" "-23" "3.14\n" "geese").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "du\tcks-233.14\ngeese");
fn escaping() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, "<flim&flam>").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "&lt;flim&amp;flam&gt;");
fn semicolons() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, {
assert_eq!(s, "onetwothreefour");
fn blocks() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, {
" ducks" " geese"
" swans"
assert_eq!(s, "hello ducks geese swans");
fn simple_elements() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, p { b { "pickle" } "barrel" i { "kumquat" } }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "<p><b>pickle</b>barrel<i>kumquat</i></p>");
fn nesting_elements() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, html body div p sup "butts").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "<html><body><div><p><sup>butts</sup></p></div></body></html>");
fn empty_elements() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, "pinkie" br/ "pie").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "pinkie<br>pie");
fn simple_attributes() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, {
link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/
section id="midriff" {
p class="hotpink" "Hello!"
assert_eq!(s, concat!(
r#"<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">"#,
r#"<section id="midriff"><p class="hotpink">Hello!</p></section>"#));
fn empty_attributes() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, div readonly? input type="checkbox" checked? /).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<div readonly><input type="checkbox" checked></div>"#);
fn colons_in_names() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, pon-pon:controls-alpha a on:click="yay()" "Yay!").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, concat!(
r#"<a on:click="yay()">Yay!</a>"#,
fn hyphens_in_element_names() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, custom-element {}).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "<custom-element></custom-element>");
fn hyphens_in_attribute_names() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, this sentence-is="false" of-course? {}).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<this sentence-is="false" of-course></this>"#);
fn class_shorthand() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, p { "Hi, " { "Lyra" } "!" }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<p>Hi, <span class="name">Lyra</span>!</p>"#);
fn class_shorthand_with_space() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, p { "Hi, " span .name { "Lyra" } "!" }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<p>Hi, <span class="name">Lyra</span>!</p>"#);
fn classes_shorthand() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, p { "Hi, " { "Lyra" } "!" }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<p>Hi, <span class="name here">Lyra</span>!</p>"#);
fn hyphens_in_class_names() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, "yes").unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<p class="rocks-these are--my--rocks">yes</p>"#);
fn ids_shorthand() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, p { "Hi, " span#thing { "Lyra" } "!" }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, r#"<p>Hi, <span id="thing">Lyra</span>!</p>"#);
fn classes_attrs_ids_mixed_up() {
let mut s = String::new();
html!(s, p { "Hi, " lang="en" #thing { "Lyra" } "!" }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "<p>Hi, <span lang=\"en\" class=\"name here\" id=\"thing\">Lyra</span>!</p>");