2. In the Config panel, make sure Base URL is set (you may as well set Data URL while you're there, if you haven't already.)
3. Make sure Image Link, Thumb Link, and Short Link all contain the full path ("http://" and onward,) either by using $base or plain text. Link to Image will not be able to retrieve the correct paths without these variables.
* Moved Link to Image over to the official theme engine. This functions basically the same as what the prototype was, but it's more thought out and nicer.
* Changed the HTML generation to use a prototype theme engine. All HTML generation is now contained within {{{link_image.html.php}}}, which may be copied to the current theme folder and edited from there.
* Changed add_text_option() and added add_label() in SetupBuildingEvent because I was using an edited version of the function that shish didn't know about. It was a wonder that didn't throw massive errors.
* Fixed HTML thumbnail link code. (image tag was being html_escaped twice, resulting in "$gt;" and "<" from the first escape becoming "&gt;" and "&lt;") It turns out that html_escape was completely unnecessary, all I had to do was replace the single-quotes around the attributes with escaped double-quotes ('\"'.)