refactor search a little and add much better testing
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 902 additions and 601 deletions
@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ abstract class Extension
class ExtensionNotFound extends SCoreException
enum ExtensionVisibility
@ -235,7 +239,7 @@ abstract class ExtensionInfo
return self::$all_info_by_class[$normal];
} else {
$infos = print_r(array_keys(self::$all_info_by_class), true);
throw new SCoreException("$normal not found in {$infos}");
throw new ExtensionNotFound("$normal not found in {$infos}");
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class Image
public static function by_random(array $tags = [], int $limit_range = 0): ?Image
$max = Image::count_images($tags);
$max = Search::count_images($tags);
if ($max < 1) {
return null;
} // From Issue #22 - opened by HungryFeline on May 30, 2011.
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class Image
$max = $limit_range;
$rand = mt_rand(0, $max - 1);
$set = Image::find_images($rand, 1, $tags);
$set = Search::find_images($rand, 1, $tags);
if (count($set) > 0) {
return $set[0];
} else {
@ -142,138 +142,6 @@ class Image
private static function find_images_internal(int $start = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags = []): iterable
global $database, $user;
if ($start < 0) {
$start = 0;
if ($limit !== null && $limit < 1) {
$limit = 1;
if (SPEED_HAX) {
if (!$user->can(Permissions::BIG_SEARCH) and count($tags) > 3) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException("Anonymous users may only search for up to 3 tags at a time");
[$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order] = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$querylet = self::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order, $limit, $start);
return $database->get_all_iterable($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables);
* Search for an array of images
* @param string[] $tags
* @return Image[]
#[Query(name: "posts", type: "[Post!]!", args: ["tags" => "[string!]"])]
public static function find_images(int $offset = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags = []): array
$result = self::find_images_internal($offset, $limit, $tags);
$images = [];
foreach ($result as $row) {
$images[] = new Image($row);
return $images;
* Search for an array of images, returning a iterable object of Image
public static function find_images_iterable(int $start = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags = []): \Generator
$result = self::find_images_internal($start, $limit, $tags);
foreach ($result as $row) {
yield new Image($row);
* Image-related utility functions
public static function count_total_images(): int
global $cache, $database;
$total = $cache->get("image-count");
if (is_null($total)) {
$total = (int)$database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images");
$cache->set("image-count", $total, 600);
return $total;
public static function count_tag(string $tag): int
global $database;
return (int)$database->get_one(
"SELECT count FROM tags WHERE LOWER(tag) = LOWER(:tag)",
["tag" => $tag]
* Count the number of image results for a given search
* @param string[] $tags
public static function count_images(array $tags = []): int
global $cache, $database;
$tag_count = count($tags);
if (SPEED_HAX && $tag_count === 0) {
// total number of images in the DB
$total = self::count_total_images();
} elseif (SPEED_HAX && $tag_count === 1 && !preg_match("/[:=><\*\?]/", $tags[0])) {
if (!str_starts_with($tags[0], "-")) {
// one tag - we can look that up directly
$total = self::count_tag($tags[0]);
} else {
// one negative tag - subtract from the total
$total = self::count_total_images() - self::count_tag(substr($tags[0], 1));
} else {
// complex query
// implode(tags) can be too long for memcache...
$cache_key = "image-count:" . md5(Tag::implode($tags));
$total = $cache->get($cache_key);
if (is_null($total)) {
if (Extension::is_enabled(RatingsInfo::KEY)) {
$tags[] = "rating:*";
[$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order] = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$querylet = self::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order);
$total = (int)$database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ($querylet->sql) AS tbl", $querylet->variables);
if (SPEED_HAX && $total > 5000) {
// when we have a ton of images, the count
// won't change dramatically very often
$cache->set($cache_key, $total, 3600);
if (is_null($total)) {
return 0;
return $total;
* Count the number of pages for a given search
* @param string[] $tags
public static function count_pages(array $tags = []): int
global $config;
return (int)ceil(Image::count_images($tags) / $config->get_int(IndexConfig::IMAGES));
* Accessors & mutators
@ -306,16 +174,13 @@ class Image
ORDER BY '.$dir.'
return ($row ? new Image($row) : null);
} else {
$tags[] = 'id'. $gtlt . $this->id;
$tags[] = 'order:id_'. strtolower($dir);
[$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order] = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$querylet = self::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order);
$querylet->append_sql(' LIMIT 1');
$row = $database->get_row($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables);
$images = Search::find_images(0, 1, $tags);
return (count($images) > 0) ? $images[0] : null;
return ($row ? new Image($row) : null);
@ -740,246 +605,4 @@ class Image
$tmpl = $plte->link;
return load_balance_url($tmpl, $this->hash, $n);
private static function tag_or_wildcard_to_ids(string $tag): array
global $database;
$sq = "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE LOWER(tag) LIKE LOWER(:tag)";
if ($database->get_driver_id() === DatabaseDriverID::SQLITE) {
$sq .= "ESCAPE '\\'";
return $database->get_col($sq, ["tag" => Tag::sqlify($tag)]);
* Turn a human input string into a an abstract search query
* @param string[] $terms
* @return array{0: TagCondition[], 1: ImgCondition[], 2: string}
private static function terms_to_conditions(array $terms): array
global $config;
$tag_conditions = [];
$img_conditions = [];
$order = null;
* Turn a bunch of strings into a bunch of TagCondition
* and ImgCondition objects
$stpen = 0; // search term parse event number
foreach (array_merge([null], $terms) as $term) {
$stpe = send_event(new SearchTermParseEvent($stpen++, $term, $terms));
$order ??= $stpe->order;
$img_conditions = array_merge($img_conditions, $stpe->img_conditions);
$tag_conditions = array_merge($tag_conditions, $stpe->tag_conditions);
$order = ($order ?: "images.".$config->get_string(IndexConfig::ORDER));
return [$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order];
* Turn an abstract search query into an SQL Querylet
* Must follow the format
* SELECT images.*
* FROM (...) AS images
* WHERE (...)
* ie, return a set of images.* columns, and end with a WHERE
* @param TagCondition[] $tag_conditions
* @param ImgCondition[] $img_conditions
private static function build_search_querylet(
array $tag_conditions,
array $img_conditions,
string $order,
?int $limit = null,
?int $offset = null
): Querylet {
// no tags, do a simple search
if (count($tag_conditions) === 0) {
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=1");
// one tag sorted by ID - we can fetch this from the image_tags table,
// and do the offset / limit there, which is 10x faster than fetching
// all the image_tags and doing the offset / limit on the result.
// NOTE: this is currently impossible to test, because the test suite
// loads all extensions, some of whom add generic img_conditions onto
// the search, which prevents this optimisation from being used.
elseif (
count($tag_conditions) === 1
&& $tag_conditions[0]->positive
// We can only do this if img_conditions is empty, because
// we're going to apply the offset / limit to the image_tags
// subquery, and applying extra conditions to the top-level
// query might reduce the total results below the target limit
&& empty($img_conditions)
// We can only do this if we're sorting by ID, because
// we're going to be using the image_tags table, which
// only has image_id and tag_id, not any other columns
&& ($order == "id DESC" || $order == " DESC")
// This is only an optimisation if we are applying limit
// and offset
&& !is_null($limit)
&& !is_null($offset)
) {
$tc = $tag_conditions[0];
// IN (SELECT id FROM tags) is 100x slower than doing a separate
// query and then a second query for IN(first_query_results)??
$tag_array = self::tag_or_wildcard_to_ids($tc->tag);
if (count($tag_array) == 0) {
// if wildcard expanded to nothing, take a shortcut
if ($tc->positive) {
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=0");
} else {
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=1");
} else {
$set = implode(', ', $tag_array);
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM image_tags it
WHERE it.tag_id IN ($set)
ORDER BY it.image_id DESC
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
) a on a.image_id =
", ["limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset]);
// don't offset at the image level because
// we already offset at the image_tags level
$limit = null;
$offset = null;
// more than one tag, or more than zero other conditions, or a non-default sort order
else {
$positive_tag_id_array = [];
$positive_wildcard_id_array = [];
$negative_tag_id_array = [];
$all_nonexistent_negatives = true;
foreach ($tag_conditions as $tq) {
$tag_ids = self::tag_or_wildcard_to_ids($tq->tag);
$tag_count = count($tag_ids);
if ($tq->positive) {
$all_nonexistent_negatives = false;
if ($tag_count == 0) {
# one of the positive tags had zero results, therefor there
# can be no results; "where 1=0" should shortcut things
return new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=0");
} elseif ($tag_count == 1) {
// All wildcard terms that qualify for a single tag can be treated the same as non-wildcards
$positive_tag_id_array[] = $tag_ids[0];
} else {
// Terms that resolve to multiple tags act as an OR within themselves
// and as an AND in relation to all other terms,
$positive_wildcard_id_array[] = $tag_ids;
} else {
if ($tag_count > 0) {
$all_nonexistent_negatives = false;
// Unlike positive criteria, negative criteria are all handled in an OR fashion,
// so we can just compile them all into a single sub-query.
$negative_tag_id_array = array_merge($negative_tag_id_array, $tag_ids);
assert($positive_tag_id_array || $positive_wildcard_id_array || $negative_tag_id_array || $all_nonexistent_negatives, @$_GET['q']);
if ($all_nonexistent_negatives) {
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=1");
} elseif (!empty($positive_tag_id_array) || !empty($positive_wildcard_id_array)) {
$inner_joins = [];
if (!empty($positive_tag_id_array)) {
foreach ($positive_tag_id_array as $tag) {
$inner_joins[] = "= $tag";
if (!empty($positive_wildcard_id_array)) {
foreach ($positive_wildcard_id_array as $tags) {
$positive_tag_id_list = join(', ', $tags);
$inner_joins[] = "IN ($positive_tag_id_list)";
$first = array_shift($inner_joins);
$sub_query = "SELECT DISTINCT it.image_id FROM image_tags it ";
$i = 0;
foreach ($inner_joins as $inner_join) {
$sub_query .= " INNER JOIN image_tags it$i ON it$i.image_id = it.image_id AND it$i.tag_id $inner_join ";
if (!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array);
$sub_query .= " LEFT JOIN image_tags negative ON negative.image_id = it.image_id AND negative.tag_id IN ($negative_tag_id_list) ";
$sub_query .= "WHERE it.tag_id $first ";
if (!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$sub_query .= " AND negative.image_id IS NULL";
$sub_query .= " GROUP BY it.image_id ";
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM images
INNER JOIN ($sub_query) a on a.image_id =
} elseif (!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array);
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM images
LEFT JOIN image_tags negative ON negative.image_id = AND negative.tag_id in ($negative_tag_id_list)
WHERE negative.image_id IS NULL
} else {
throw new SCoreException("No criteria specified");
* Merge all the image metadata searches into one generic querylet
* and append to the base querylet with "AND blah"
if (!empty($img_conditions)) {
$n = 0;
$img_sql = "";
$img_vars = [];
foreach ($img_conditions as $iq) {
if ($n++ > 0) {
$img_sql .= " AND";
if (!$iq->positive) {
$img_sql .= " NOT";
$img_sql .= " (" . $iq->qlet->sql . ")";
$img_vars = array_merge($img_vars, $iq->qlet->variables);
$query->append_sql(" AND ");
$query->append(new Querylet($img_sql, $img_vars));
$query->append(new Querylet(" ORDER BY ".$order));
if (!is_null($limit)) {
$query->append(new Querylet(" LIMIT :limit ", ["limit" => $limit]));
$query->append(new Querylet(" OFFSET :offset ", ["offset" => $offset]));
return $query;
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Shimmie2;
use GQLA\Query;
class Querylet
public function __construct(
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ class TagCondition
public function __construct(
public string $tag,
public bool $positive,
public bool $positive = true,
) {
@ -42,7 +44,370 @@ class ImgCondition
public function __construct(
public Querylet $qlet,
public bool $positive,
public bool $positive = true,
) {
class Search
public static array $_search_path = [];
private static function find_images_internal(int $start = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags = []): iterable
global $database, $user;
if ($start < 0) {
$start = 0;
if ($limit !== null && $limit < 1) {
$limit = 1;
if (SPEED_HAX) {
if (!$user->can(Permissions::BIG_SEARCH) and count($tags) > 3) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException("Anonymous users may only search for up to 3 tags at a time");
[$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order] = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$querylet = self::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order, $limit, $start);
return $database->get_all_iterable($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables);
* Search for an array of images
* @param string[] $tags
* @return Image[]
#[Query(name: "posts", type: "[Post!]!", args: ["tags" => "[string!]"])]
public static function find_images(int $offset = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags = []): array
$result = self::find_images_internal($offset, $limit, $tags);
$images = [];
foreach ($result as $row) {
$images[] = new Image($row);
return $images;
* Search for an array of images, returning a iterable object of Image
public static function find_images_iterable(int $start = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags = []): \Generator
$result = self::find_images_internal($start, $limit, $tags);
foreach ($result as $row) {
yield new Image($row);
* Image-related utility functions
public static function count_tag(string $tag): int
global $database;
return (int)$database->get_one(
"SELECT count FROM tags WHERE LOWER(tag) = LOWER(:tag)",
["tag" => $tag]
private static function count_total_images(): int
global $cache, $database;
$total = $cache->get("image-count");
if (is_null($total)) {
$total = (int)$database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images");
$cache->set("image-count", $total, 600);
return $total;
* Count the number of image results for a given search
* @param string[] $tags
public static function count_images(array $tags = []): int
global $cache, $database;
$tag_count = count($tags);
// SPEED_HAX ignores the fact that extensions can add img_conditions
// even when there are no tags being searched for
if (SPEED_HAX && $tag_count === 0) {
// total number of images in the DB
$total = self::count_total_images();
} elseif (SPEED_HAX && $tag_count === 1 && !preg_match("/[:=><\*\?]/", $tags[0])) {
if (!str_starts_with($tags[0], "-")) {
// one positive tag - we can look that up directly
$total = self::count_tag($tags[0]);
} else {
// one negative tag - subtract from the total
$total = self::count_total_images() - self::count_tag(substr($tags[0], 1));
} else {
// complex query
// implode(tags) can be too long for memcache, so use the hash of tags as the key
$cache_key = "image-count:" . md5(Tag::implode($tags));
$total = $cache->get($cache_key);
if (is_null($total)) {
if (Extension::is_enabled(RatingsInfo::KEY)) {
$tags[] = "rating:*";
[$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order] = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$querylet = self::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order);
$total = (int)$database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ($querylet->sql) AS tbl", $querylet->variables);
if (SPEED_HAX && $total > 5000) {
// when we have a ton of images, the count
// won't change dramatically very often
$cache->set($cache_key, $total, 3600);
if (is_null($total)) {
return 0;
return $total;
private static function tag_or_wildcard_to_ids(string $tag): array
global $database;
$sq = "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE LOWER(tag) LIKE LOWER(:tag)";
if ($database->get_driver_id() === DatabaseDriverID::SQLITE) {
$sq .= "ESCAPE '\\'";
return $database->get_col($sq, ["tag" => Tag::sqlify($tag)]);
* Turn a human input string into a an abstract search query
* @param string[] $terms
* @return array{0: TagCondition[], 1: ImgCondition[], 2: string}
private static function terms_to_conditions(array $terms): array
global $config;
$tag_conditions = [];
$img_conditions = [];
$order = null;
* Turn a bunch of strings into a bunch of TagCondition
* and ImgCondition objects
$stpen = 0; // search term parse event number
foreach (array_merge([null], $terms) as $term) {
$stpe = send_event(new SearchTermParseEvent($stpen++, $term, $terms));
$order ??= $stpe->order;
$img_conditions = array_merge($img_conditions, $stpe->img_conditions);
$tag_conditions = array_merge($tag_conditions, $stpe->tag_conditions);
$order = ($order ?: "images.".$config->get_string(IndexConfig::ORDER));
return [$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order];
* Turn an abstract search query into an SQL Querylet
* @param TagCondition[] $tag_conditions
* @param ImgCondition[] $img_conditions
private static function build_search_querylet(
array $tag_conditions,
array $img_conditions,
string $order,
?int $limit = null,
?int $offset = null
): Querylet {
// no tags, do a simple search
if (count($tag_conditions) === 0) {
static::$_search_path[] = "no_tags";
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=1");
// one tag sorted by ID - we can fetch this from the image_tags table,
// and do the offset / limit there, which is 10x faster than fetching
// all the image_tags and doing the offset / limit on the result.
elseif (
count($tag_conditions) === 1
&& $tag_conditions[0]->positive
// We can only do this if img_conditions is empty, because
// we're going to apply the offset / limit to the image_tags
// subquery, and applying extra conditions to the top-level
// query might reduce the total results below the target limit
&& empty($img_conditions)
// We can only do this if we're sorting by ID, because
// we're going to be using the image_tags table, which
// only has image_id and tag_id, not any other columns
&& ($order == "id DESC" || $order == " DESC")
// This is only an optimisation if we are applying limit
// and offset
&& !is_null($limit)
&& !is_null($offset)
) {
static::$_search_path[] = "fast";
$tc = $tag_conditions[0];
// IN (SELECT id FROM tags) is 100x slower than doing a separate
// query and then a second query for IN(first_query_results)??
$tag_array = self::tag_or_wildcard_to_ids($tc->tag);
if (count($tag_array) == 0) {
// if wildcard expanded to nothing, take a shortcut
static::$_search_path[] = "invalid_tag";
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=0");
} else {
$set = implode(', ', $tag_array);
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM image_tags it
WHERE it.tag_id IN ($set)
ORDER BY it.image_id DESC
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
) a on a.image_id =
", ["limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset]);
// don't offset at the image level because
// we already offset at the image_tags level
$limit = null;
$offset = null;
// more than one tag, or more than zero other conditions, or a non-default sort order
else {
static::$_search_path[] = "general";
$positive_tag_id_array = [];
$positive_wildcard_id_array = [];
$negative_tag_id_array = [];
$all_nonexistent_negatives = true;
foreach ($tag_conditions as $tq) {
$tag_ids = self::tag_or_wildcard_to_ids($tq->tag);
$tag_count = count($tag_ids);
if ($tq->positive) {
$all_nonexistent_negatives = false;
if ($tag_count == 0) {
# one of the positive tags had zero results, therefor there
# can be no results; "where 1=0" should shortcut things
static::$_search_path[] = "invalid_tag";
return new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=0");
} elseif ($tag_count == 1) {
// All wildcard terms that qualify for a single tag can be treated the same as non-wildcards
$positive_tag_id_array[] = $tag_ids[0];
} else {
// Terms that resolve to multiple tags act as an OR within themselves
// and as an AND in relation to all other terms,
$positive_wildcard_id_array[] = $tag_ids;
} else {
if ($tag_count > 0) {
$all_nonexistent_negatives = false;
// Unlike positive criteria, negative criteria are all handled in an OR fashion,
// so we can just compile them all into a single sub-query.
$negative_tag_id_array = array_merge($negative_tag_id_array, $tag_ids);
assert($positive_tag_id_array || $positive_wildcard_id_array || $negative_tag_id_array || $all_nonexistent_negatives, @$_GET['q']);
if ($all_nonexistent_negatives) {
static::$_search_path[] = "all_nonexistent_negatives";
$query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=1");
} elseif (!empty($positive_tag_id_array) || !empty($positive_wildcard_id_array)) {
static::$_search_path[] = "some_positives";
$inner_joins = [];
if (!empty($positive_tag_id_array)) {
foreach ($positive_tag_id_array as $tag) {
$inner_joins[] = "= $tag";
if (!empty($positive_wildcard_id_array)) {
foreach ($positive_wildcard_id_array as $tags) {
$positive_tag_id_list = join(', ', $tags);
$inner_joins[] = "IN ($positive_tag_id_list)";
$first = array_shift($inner_joins);
$sub_query = "SELECT DISTINCT it.image_id FROM image_tags it ";
$i = 0;
foreach ($inner_joins as $inner_join) {
$sub_query .= " INNER JOIN image_tags it$i ON it$i.image_id = it.image_id AND it$i.tag_id $inner_join ";
if (!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array);
$sub_query .= " LEFT JOIN image_tags negative ON negative.image_id = it.image_id AND negative.tag_id IN ($negative_tag_id_list) ";
$sub_query .= "WHERE it.tag_id $first ";
if (!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$sub_query .= " AND negative.image_id IS NULL";
$sub_query .= " GROUP BY it.image_id ";
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM images
INNER JOIN ($sub_query) a on a.image_id =
} elseif (!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
static::$_search_path[] = "only_negative_tags";
$negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array);
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM images
LEFT JOIN image_tags negative ON negative.image_id = AND negative.tag_id in ($negative_tag_id_list)
WHERE negative.image_id IS NULL
} else {
throw new SCoreException("No criteria specified");
* Merge all the image metadata searches into one generic querylet
* and append to the base querylet with "AND blah"
if (!empty($img_conditions)) {
$n = 0;
$img_sql = "";
$img_vars = [];
foreach ($img_conditions as $iq) {
if ($n++ > 0) {
$img_sql .= " AND";
if (!$iq->positive) {
$img_sql .= " NOT";
$img_sql .= " (" . $iq->qlet->sql . ")";
$img_vars = array_merge($img_vars, $iq->qlet->variables);
$query->append_sql(" AND ");
$query->append(new Querylet($img_sql, $img_vars));
$query->append(new Querylet(" ORDER BY ".$order));
if (!is_null($limit)) {
$query->append(new Querylet(" LIMIT :limit ", ["limit" => $limit]));
$query->append(new Querylet(" OFFSET :offset ", ["offset" => $offset]));
return $query;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
namespace Shimmie2;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Depends;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsEqual;
require_once "core/imageboard/search.php";
class SearchTest extends ShimmiePHPUnitTestCase
public function testWeirdTags()
$image_id_1 = $this->post_image("tests/pbx_screenshot.jpg", "question? colon:thing exclamation!");
$image_id_2 = $this->post_image("tests/bedroom_workshop.jpg", "question. colon_thing exclamation%");
$this->assert_search_results(["question?"], [$image_id_1]);
$this->assert_search_results(["question."], [$image_id_2]);
$this->assert_search_results(["colon:thing"], [$image_id_1]);
$this->assert_search_results(["colon_thing"], [$image_id_2]);
$this->assert_search_results(["exclamation!"], [$image_id_1]);
$this->assert_search_results(["exclamation%"], [$image_id_2]);
// base case
public function testUpload(): array
$image_id_1 = $this->post_image("tests/pbx_screenshot.jpg", "thing computer screenshot pbx phone");
$image_id_2 = $this->post_image("tests/bedroom_workshop.jpg", "thing computer computing bedroom workshop");
# make sure both uploads were ok
$this->assertTrue($image_id_1 > 0);
$this->assertTrue($image_id_2 > 0);
return [$image_id_1, $image_id_2];
* Test turning a string into an abstract query
private function assert_TTC(string $tags, array $expected_tag_conditions, array $expected_img_conditions, string $expected_order)
$class = new \ReflectionClass('\Shimmie2\Search');
$terms_to_conditions = $class->getMethod("terms_to_conditions");
$terms_to_conditions->setAccessible(true); // Use this if you are running PHP older than 8.1.0
$obj = new Search();
[$tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $order] = $terms_to_conditions->invokeArgs($obj, [Tag::explode($tags, false)]);
"tags" => $expected_tag_conditions,
"imgs" => $expected_img_conditions,
"order" => $expected_order,
new IsEqual([
"tags" => $tag_conditions,
"imgs" => $img_conditions,
"order" => $order,
public function testTTC_Empty()
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("trash != :true", ["true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("private != :true OR owner_id = :private_owner_id", [
"private_owner_id" => 1,
"true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("rating IN ('?', 's', 'q', 'e')", [])),
public function testTTC_Hash()
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("trash != :true", ["true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("private != :true OR owner_id = :private_owner_id", [
"private_owner_id" => 1,
"true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("rating IN ('?', 's', 'q', 'e')", [])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("images.hash = :hash", ["hash" => "1234567890"])),
public function testTTC_Ratio()
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("trash != :true", ["true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("private != :true OR owner_id = :private_owner_id", [
"private_owner_id" => 1,
"true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("rating IN ('?', 's', 'q', 'e')", [])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("width / :width1 = height / :height1", ['width1' => 42,
'height1' => 12345])),
public function testTTC_Order()
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("trash != :true", ["true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("private != :true OR owner_id = :private_owner_id", [
"private_owner_id" => 1,
"true" => true])),
new ImgCondition(new Querylet("rating IN ('?', 's', 'q', 'e')", [])),
"images.numeric_score DESC"
* Test turning an abstract query into SQL + fetching the results
private function assert_BSQ(
array $tcs = [],
array $ics = [],
string $order = "id DESC",
int $limit = 9999,
int $start = 0,
array $res = [],
array $path = null,
) {
global $database;
$tcs = array_map(
fn ($tag) => ($tag[0] == "-") ?
new TagCondition(substr($tag, 1), false) :
new TagCondition($tag),
$ics = array_map(
fn ($ic) => send_event(new SearchTermParseEvent(0, $ic, []))->img_conditions,
$ics = array_merge(...$ics);
Search::$_search_path = [];
$class = new \ReflectionClass('\Shimmie2\Search');
$build_search_querylet = $class->getMethod("build_search_querylet");
$build_search_querylet->setAccessible(true); // Use this if you are running PHP older than 8.1.0
$obj = new Search();
$querylet = $build_search_querylet->invokeArgs($obj, [$tcs, $ics, $order, $limit, $start]);
$results = $database->get_all($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables);
"res" => array_map(fn ($row) => $row['id'], $results),
"path" => Search::$_search_path,
new IsEqual([
"res" => $res,
"path" => $path ?? Search::$_search_path,
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* No-tag search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testBSQ_NoTags($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: [],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["no_tags"],
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Fast-path search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testBSQ_FastPath_NoResults($image_ids)
tcs: ["maumaumau"],
res: [],
path: ["fast", "invalid_tag"],
public function testBSQ_FastPath_OneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["pbx"],
res: [$image_ids[0]],
path: ["fast"],
public function testBSQ_FastPath_ManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["computer"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["fast"],
public function testBSQ_FastPath_WildNoResults($image_ids)
tcs: ["asdfasdf*"],
res: [],
path: ["fast", "invalid_tag"],
* Only the first image matches both the wildcard and the tag.
* This checks for a bug where searching for "a* b" would return
* an image tagged "a1 a2" because the number of matched tags
* was equal to the number of searched tags.
public function testBSQ_FastPath_WildOneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["screen*"],
res: [$image_ids[0]],
path: ["fast"],
* Test that the fast path doesn't return duplicate results
* when a wildcard matches one image multiple times.
public function testBSQ_FastPath_WildManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// two images match comp* - one matches it once, one matches it twice
tcs: ["comp*"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["fast"],
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* General search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_NoResults($image_ids)
# multiple tags, one of which doesn't exist
# (test the "one tag doesn't exist = no hits" path)
tcs: ["computer", "not_a_tag"],
res: [],
path: ["general", "invalid_tag"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_OneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["computer", "screenshot"],
res: [$image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
* Only the first image matches both the wildcard and the tag.
* This checks for a bug where searching for "a* b" would return
* an image tagged "a1 a2" because the number of matched tags
* was equal to the number of searched tags.
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_WildOneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["comp*", "screenshot"],
res: [$image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_ManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["computer", "thing"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_WildManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["comp*", "-asdf"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_SubtractValidFromResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["computer", "-pbx"],
res: [$image_ids[1]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_SubtractNotValidFromResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
tcs: ["computer", "-not_a_tag"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_SubtractValidFromDefault($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// negative tag alone, should remove the image with that tag
tcs: ["-pbx"],
res: [$image_ids[1]],
path: ["general", "only_negative_tags"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_SubtractNotValidFromDefault($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// negative that doesn't exist, should return all results
tcs: ["-not_a_tag"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "all_nonexistent_negatives"],
public function testBSQ_GeneralPath_SubtractMultipleNotValidFromDefault($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// multiple negative tags that don't exist, should return all results
tcs: ["-not_a_tag", "-also_not_a_tag"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "all_nonexistent_negatives"],
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Meta Search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testBSQ_ImgCond_NoResults($image_ids)
ics: ["hash=1234567890"],
res: [],
path: ["no_tags"],
ics: ["ratio=42:12345"],
res: [],
path: ["no_tags"],
public function testBSQ_ImgCond_OneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
ics: ["hash=feb01bab5698a11dd87416724c7a89e3"],
res: [$image_ids[0]],
path: ["no_tags"],
ics: ["id={$image_ids[1]}"],
res: [$image_ids[1]],
path: ["no_tags"],
ics: ["filename=screenshot"],
res: [$image_ids[0]],
path: ["no_tags"],
public function testBSQ_ImgCond_ManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
ics: ["size=640x480"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["no_tags"],
ics: ["tags=5"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["no_tags"],
ics: ["ext=jpg"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["no_tags"],
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Mixed *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testBSQ_TagCondWithImgCond($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// multiple tags, many results
tcs: ["computer"],
ics: ["size=640x480"],
res: [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]],
path: ["general", "some_positives"],
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class Artists extends Extension
$userIsLogged = !$user->is_anonymous();
$userIsAdmin = $user->can(Permissions::ARTISTS_ADMIN);
$images = Image::find_images(limit: 4, tags: Tag::explode($artist['name']));
$images = Search::find_images(limit: 4, tags: Tag::explode($artist['name']));
$this->theme->show_artist($artist, $aliases, $members, $urls, $images, $userIsLogged, $userIsAdmin);
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class BulkActions extends Extension
private function yield_search_results(string $query): \Generator
$tags = Tag::explode($query);
return Image::find_images_iterable(0, null, $tags);
return Search::find_images_iterable(0, null, $tags);
private function sort_blocks($a, $b)
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ class DanbooruApi extends Extension
$tags = array_filter($tags, static function ($element) {
return $element !== "*";
$count = Image::count_images($tags);
$results = Image::find_images(max($start, 0), min($limit, 100), $tags);
$count = Search::count_images($tags);
$results = Search::find_images(max($start, 0), min($limit, 100), $tags);
// Now we have the array $results filled with Image objects
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Favorites extends Extension
public function onUserPageBuilding(UserPageBuildingEvent $event)
$i_favorites_count = Image::count_images(["favorited_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$i_favorites_count = Search::count_images(["favorited_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$i_days_old = ((time() - strtotime($event->display_user->join_date)) / 86400) + 1;
$h_favorites_rate = sprintf("%.1f", ($i_favorites_count / $i_days_old));
$favorites_link = search_link(["favorited_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Home extends Extension
$num_comma = "";
$counter_text = "";
if ($counter_dir != 'none') {
$total = Image::count_images();
$total = Search::count_images();
$num_comma = number_format($total);
if ($counter_dir != 'text-only') {
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ class ImageIO extends Extension
public function onUserPageBuilding(UserPageBuildingEvent $event)
$u_name = url_escape($event->display_user->name);
$i_image_count = Image::count_images(["user={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$i_image_count = Search::count_images(["user={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$i_days_old = ((time() - strtotime($event->display_user->join_date)) / 86400) + 1;
$h_image_rate = sprintf("%.1f", ($i_image_count / $i_days_old));
$images_link = search_link(["user=$u_name"]);
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Index extends Extension
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
global $cache, $page, $user;
global $cache, $config, $page, $user;
if ($event->page_matches("post/list")) {
if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class Index extends Extension
$total_pages = Image::count_pages($search_terms);
$total_pages = (int)ceil(Search::count_images($search_terms) / $config->get_int(IndexConfig::IMAGES));
$images = [];
if (SPEED_HAX && $total_pages > $fast_page_limit && !$user->can("big_search")) {
@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ class Index extends Extension
// extra caching for the first few post/list pages
$images = $cache->get("post-list:$page_number");
if (is_null($images)) {
$images = Image::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$images = Search::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$cache->set("post-list:$page_number", $images, 60);
if (!$images) {
$images = Image::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$images = Search::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
} catch (PermissionDeniedException $pde) {
$this->theme->display_error(403, "Permission denied", $pde->error);
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class Index extends Extension
if ($event->cmd == "search") {
$query = count($event->args) > 0 ? Tag::explode($event->args[0]) : [];
$items = Image::find_images(limit: 1000, tags: $query);
$items = Search::find_images(limit: 1000, tags: $query);
foreach ($items as $item) {
@ -49,191 +49,6 @@ class IndexTest extends ShimmiePHPUnitTestCase
public function testWeirdTags()
$image_id_1 = $this->post_image("tests/pbx_screenshot.jpg", "question? colon:thing exclamation!");
$image_id_2 = $this->post_image("tests/bedroom_workshop.jpg", "question. colon_thing exclamation%");
$this->assert_search_results(["question?"], [$image_id_1]);
$this->assert_search_results(["question."], [$image_id_2]);
$this->assert_search_results(["colon:thing"], [$image_id_1]);
$this->assert_search_results(["colon_thing"], [$image_id_2]);
$this->assert_search_results(["exclamation!"], [$image_id_1]);
$this->assert_search_results(["exclamation%"], [$image_id_2]);
// base case
public function testUpload(): array
$image_id_1 = $this->post_image("tests/pbx_screenshot.jpg", "thing computer screenshot pbx phone");
$image_id_2 = $this->post_image("tests/bedroom_workshop.jpg", "thing computer computing bedroom workshop");
# make sure both uploads were ok
$this->assertTrue($image_id_1 > 0);
$this->assertTrue($image_id_2 > 0);
return [$image_id_1, $image_id_2];
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Tag Search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testTagSearchNoResults($image_ids)
$this->assert_search_results(["maumaumau"], []);
public function testTagSearchOneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
$this->assert_search_results(["pbx"], [$image_ids[0]]);
public function testTagSearchManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
$this->assert_search_results(["computer"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Multi-Tag Search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testMultiTagSearchNoResults($image_ids)
# multiple tags, one of which doesn't exist
# (test the "one tag doesn't exist = no hits" path)
$this->assert_search_results(["computer", "asdfasdfwaffle"], []);
public function testMultiTagSearchOneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
$this->assert_search_results(["computer", "screenshot"], [$image_ids[0]]);
public function testMultiTagSearchManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
$this->assert_search_results(["computer", "thing"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Meta Search *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testMetaSearchNoResults($image_ids)
$this->assert_search_results(["hash=1234567890"], []);
$this->assert_search_results(["ratio=42:12345"], []);
public function testMetaSearchOneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
$this->assert_search_results(["hash=feb01bab5698a11dd87416724c7a89e3"], [$image_ids[0]]);
$this->assert_search_results(["md5=feb01bab5698a11dd87416724c7a89e3"], [$image_ids[0]]);
$this->assert_search_results(["id={$image_ids[1]}"], [$image_ids[1]]);
$this->assert_search_results(["filename=screenshot"], [$image_ids[0]]);
public function testMetaSearchManyResults($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
$this->assert_search_results(["size=640x480"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
$this->assert_search_results(["tags=5"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
$this->assert_search_results(["ext=jpg"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Wildcards *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testWildSearchNoResults($image_ids)
$this->assert_search_results(["asdfasdf*"], []);
public function testWildSearchOneResult($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// Only the first image matches both the wildcard and the tag.
// This checks for
$this->assert_search_results(["comp*", "screenshot"], [$image_ids[0]]);
public function testWildSearchManyResultsSimple($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// two images match comp* - one matches it once, one matches it twice
$this->assert_search_results(["comp*"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
public function testWildSearchManyResultsComplex($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// same thing, but with the complex branch
$this->assert_search_results(["comp*", "-asdf"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Mixed *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testMixedSearchTagMeta($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// multiple tags, many results
$this->assert_search_results(["computer", "size=640x480"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
/* * * * * * * * * * *
* Negative *
* * * * * * * * * * */
public function testSubtractFromSearch($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// negative tag, should have one result
$this->assert_search_results(["computer", "-pbx"], [$image_ids[1]]);
// removing something that doesn't exist should have no effect
$this->assert_search_results(["computer", "-not_a_tag"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
public function testSubtractFromDefault($image_ids)
$image_ids = $this->testUpload();
// negative tag alone, should work
$this->assert_search_results(["-pbx"], [$image_ids[1]]);
// negative that doesn't exist
$this->assert_search_results(["-not_a_tag"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
// multiple negative tags that don't exist
$this->assert_search_results(["-not_a_tag", "-also_not_a_tag"], [$image_ids[1], $image_ids[0]]);
// This isn't really an index thing, we just want to test this from
// SOMEWHERE because the default theme doesn't use them.
public function test_nav()
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ class NumericScore extends Extension
$n_up = Image::count_images(["upvoted_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$n_up = Search::count_images(["upvoted_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$link_up = search_link(["upvoted_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$n_down = Image::count_images(["downvoted_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$n_down = Search::count_images(["downvoted_by={$event->display_user->name}"]);
$link_down = search_link(["downvoted_by={$event->display_user->name}]"]);
$event->add_stats("<a href='$link_up'>$n_up Upvotes</a> / <a href='$link_down'>$n_down Downvotes</a>");
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class OuroborosAPI extends Extension
protected function postIndex(int $limit, int $page, array $tags)
$start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$results = Image::find_images(max($start, 0), min($limit, 100), $tags);
$results = Search::find_images(max($start, 0), min($limit, 100), $tags);
$posts = [];
foreach ($results as $img) {
if (!is_object($img)) {
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class Pools extends Extension
case "import":
if ($this->have_permission($user, $pool)) {
$images = Image::find_images(
$images = Search::find_images(
limit: $config->get_int(PoolsConfig::MAX_IMPORT_RESULTS, 1000),
tags: Tag::explode($_POST["pool_tag"])
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class Ratings extends Extension
} else {
$n = 0;
while (true) {
$images = Image::find_images($n, 100, Tag::explode($_POST["query"]));
$images = Search::find_images($n, 100, Tag::explode($_POST["query"]));
if (count($images) == 0) {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class RegenThumb extends Extension
if ($event->page_matches("regen_thumb/mass") && $user->can(Permissions::DELETE_IMAGE) && isset($_POST['tags'])) {
$tags = Tag::explode(strtolower($_POST['tags']), false);
$images = Image::find_images(limit: 10000, tags: $tags);
$images = Search::find_images(limit: 10000, tags: $tags);
foreach ($images as $image) {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class RSSImages extends Extension
try {
$images = Image::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$images = Search::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$this->do_rss($images, $search_terms, $page_number);
} catch (SearchTermParseException $stpe) {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "Search parse error", $stpe->error);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Rule34 extends Extension
global $cache;
if ($event->cmd == "wipe-thumb-cache") {
foreach (Image::find_images_iterable(0, null, Tag::explode($event->args[0])) as $image) {
foreach (Search::find_images_iterable(0, null, Tag::explode($event->args[0])) as $image) {
print($image->id . "\n");
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ShimmieApi extends Extension
$search_terms = $event->get_search_terms();
$page_number = $event->get_page_number();
$page_size = $event->get_page_size();
$images = Image::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$images = Search::find_images(($page_number - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $search_terms);
$safe_images = [];
foreach ($images as $image) {
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class ShimmieApi extends Extension
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$all['uploadcount'] = Image::count_images(["user_id=" . $all['id']]);
$all['uploadcount'] = Search::count_images(["user_id=" . $all['id']]);
$all['commentcount'] = $database->get_one(
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM comments WHERE owner_id=:owner_id",
["owner_id" => $all['id']]
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class XMLSitemap extends Extension
private function handle_smaller_sitemap()
/* --- Add latest images to sitemap with higher priority --- */
$latestimages = Image::find_images(limit: 50);
$latestimages = Search::find_images(limit: 50);
if (empty($latestimages)) {
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class XMLSitemap extends Extension
$this->add_sitemap_queue($popular_tags, "monthly", "0.9" /* not sure how to deal with date here */);
/* --- Add latest images to sitemap with higher priority --- */
$latestimages = Image::find_images(limit: 50);
$latestimages = Search::find_images(limit: 50);
$latestimages_urllist = [];
$latest_image = null;
foreach ($latestimages as $arrayid => $image) {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class XMLSitemap extends Extension
$this->add_sitemap_queue($other_tags, "monthly", "0.7" /* not sure how to deal with date here */);
/* --- Add all other images to sitemap with lower priority --- */
$otherimages = Image::find_images(offset: 51, limit: 10000000);
$otherimages = Search::find_images(offset: 51, limit: 10000000);
$image = null;
foreach ($otherimages as $arrayid => $image) {
// create url from image id's
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class TagEdit extends Extension
log_info("tag_edit", "Mass editing tags: '$search' -> '$replace'");
if (count($search_set) == 1 && count($replace_set) == 1) {
$images = Image::find_images(limit: 10, tags: $replace_set);
$images = Search::find_images(limit: 10, tags: $replace_set);
if (count($images) == 0) {
log_info("tag_edit", "No images found with target tag, doing in-place rename");
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ class TagEdit extends Extension
$search_forward[] = "id<$last_id";
$images = Image::find_images(limit: 100, tags: $search_forward);
$images = Search::find_images(limit: 100, tags: $search_forward);
if (count($images) == 0) {
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class TagEdit extends Extension
$search_forward[] = "id<$last_id";
$images = Image::find_images(limit: 100, tags: $search_forward);
$images = Search::find_images(limit: 100, tags: $search_forward);
if (count($images) == 0) {
@ -67,9 +67,13 @@ abstract class ShimmiePHPUnitTestCase extends TestCase
$class = str_replace("Test", "", get_class($this));
try {
if (!ExtensionInfo::get_for_extension_class($class)->is_supported()) {
$this->markTestSkipped("$class not supported with this database");
} catch (ExtensionNotFound $e) {
// ignore - this is a core test rather than an extension test
// Set up a clean environment for each test
@ -220,7 +224,7 @@ abstract class ShimmiePHPUnitTestCase extends TestCase
protected function assert_search_results($tags, $results): void
$images = Image::find_images(0, null, $tags);
$images = Search::find_images(0, null, $tags);
$ids = [];
foreach ($images as $image) {
$ids[] = $image->id;
Reference in a new issue