make_link("user/{$row[$this->name]}")], $row[$this->name]);
class UserActionColumn extends ActionColumn
public function __construct()
$this->sortable = false;
public function display(array $row): HTMLElement
return A(["href"=>make_link("post/list/user={$row['name']}/1")], "Posts");
class UserTable extends Table
public function __construct(\FFSPHP\PDO $db)
global $_shm_user_classes;
$classes = [];
foreach ($_shm_user_classes as $cls) {
$classes[$cls->name] = $cls->name;
$this->table = "users";
$this->base_query = "SELECT * FROM users";
$this->size = 100;
$this->limit = 1000000;
new IntegerColumn("id", "ID"),
new UserNameColumn("name", "Name"),
new EnumColumn("class", "Class", $classes),
// Added later, for admins only
// new TextColumn("email", "Email"),
new DateColumn("joindate", "Join Date"),
new UserActionColumn(),
$this->order_by = ["id DESC"];
$this->table_attrs = ["class" => "zebra"];
class UserCreationException extends SCoreException
class NullUserException extends SCoreException
class LoginResult
public function __construct(
public User $user,
public ?string $session = null,
public ?string $error = null,
) {
public static function login(string $username, string $password): LoginResult
global $config;
$duser = User::by_name_and_pass($username, $password);
if (!is_null($duser)) {
return new LoginResult(
} else {
$anon = User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0));
return new LoginResult(
"No user found"
public static function create_user(string $username, string $password1, string $password2, string $email): LoginResult
global $config;
try {
$uce = send_event(new UserCreationEvent($username, $password1, $password2, $email, true));
return new LoginResult(
} catch (UserCreationException $ex) {
return new LoginResult(
User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0)),
class UserPage extends Extension
/** @var UserPageTheme $theme */
public Themelet $theme;
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
global $config;
$config->set_default_bool("login_signup_enabled", true);
$config->set_default_int("login_memory", 365);
$config->set_default_string("avatar_host", "none");
$config->set_default_int("avatar_gravatar_size", 80);
$config->set_default_string("avatar_gravatar_default", "");
$config->set_default_string("avatar_gravatar_rating", "g");
$config->set_default_bool("login_tac_bbcode", true);
public function onUserLogin(UserLoginEvent $event)
global $user;
$user = $event->user;
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
global $config, $database, $page, $user, $_shm_user_classes;
if ($event->page_matches("user_admin")) {
if ($event->get_arg(0) == "login") {
if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$this->page_login($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']);
} else {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "recover") {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "create") {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "create_other") {
send_event(new UserCreationEvent($_POST['name'], $_POST['pass1'], $_POST['pass1'], $_POST['email'], false));
$page->flash("Created new user");
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "list") {
$t = new UserTable($database->raw_db());
$t->token = $user->get_auth_token();
$t->inputs = $_GET;
if ($user->can(Permissions::DELETE_USER)) {
$col = new TextColumn("email", "Email");
// $t->columns[] = $col;
array_splice($t->columns, 2, 0, [$col]);
$this->theme->display_user_list($page, $t->table($t->query()), $t->paginator());
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "classes") {
(new \ReflectionClass('\Shimmie2\Permissions'))->getReflectionConstants()
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "logout") {
if (!$user->check_auth_token()) {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_name") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'name' => 'user_name',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_name_wrapper($duser, $input['name']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_pass") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'pass1' => 'password',
'pass2' => 'password',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_password_wrapper($duser, $input['pass1'], $input['pass2']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_email") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'address' => 'email',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_email_wrapper($duser, $input['address']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_class") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'class' => 'user_class',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_class_wrapper($duser, $input['class']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "delete_user") {
$this->delete_user($page, isset($_POST["with_images"]), isset($_POST["with_comments"]));
if ($event->page_matches("user")) {
$display_user = ($event->count_args() == 0) ? $user : User::by_name($event->get_arg(0));
if ($event->count_args() == 0 && $user->is_anonymous()) {
"Not Logged In",
"You aren't logged in. First do that, then you can see your stats."
} elseif (!is_null($display_user) && ($display_user->id != $config->get_int("anon_id"))) {
$e = send_event(new UserPageBuildingEvent($display_user));
} else {
"No Such User",
"If you typed the ID by hand, try again; if you came from a link on this ".
"site, it might be bug report time..."
public function onUserPageBuilding(UserPageBuildingEvent $event)
global $user, $config;
$h_join_date = autodate($event->display_user->join_date);
if ($event->display_user->can(Permissions::HELLBANNED)) {
$h_class = $event->display_user->class->parent->name;
} else {
$h_class = $event->display_user->class->name;
$event->add_stats("Joined: $h_join_date", 10);
if ($user->name == $event->display_user->name) {
$event->add_stats("Current IP: " . get_real_ip(), 80);
$event->add_stats("Class: $h_class", 90);
$av = $event->display_user->get_avatar_html();
if ($av) {
$event->add_stats($av, 0);
} elseif ((
$config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar"
) &&
($user->id == $event->display_user->id)
) {
"No avatar? This gallery uses Gravatar for avatar hosting, use the".
same email address here and there to have your avatar synced
public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event)
global $user;
if ($user->is_anonymous()) {
$event->add_nav_link("user", new Link('user_admin/login'), "Account", null, 10);
} else {
$event->add_nav_link("user", new Link('user'), "Account", null, 10);
private function display_stats(UserPageBuildingEvent $event): void
global $user, $page, $config;
$this->theme->display_user_page($event->display_user, $event->stats);
if (!$user->is_anonymous()) {
if ($user->id == $event->display_user->id || $user->can("edit_user_info")) {
$user_config = UserConfig::get_for_user($event->display_user->id);
$uobe = send_event(new UserOperationsBuildingEvent($event->display_user, $user_config));
$page->add_block(new Block("Operations", $this->theme->build_operations($event->display_user, $uobe), "main", 60));
if ($user->id == $event->display_user->id) {
$ubbe = send_event(new UserBlockBuildingEvent());
$this->theme->display_user_links($page, $user, $ubbe->parts);
if (
($user->can(Permissions::VIEW_IP) || ($user->is_logged_in() && $user->id == $event->display_user->id)) && # admin or self-user
($event->display_user->id != $config->get_int('anon_id')) # don't show anon's IP list, it is le huge
) {
public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
global $config;
$hosts = [
"None" => "none",
"Gravatar" => "gravatar"
$sb = $event->panel->create_new_block("User Options");
$sb->add_bool_option(UserConfig::ENABLE_API_KEYS, "Enable user API keys", true);
$sb->add_bool_option("login_signup_enabled", "Allow new signups", true);
$sb->add_longtext_option("login_tac", "Terms & Conditions", true);
"Return to previous page" => 0, // 0 is default
"Send to user profile" => 1],
"On log in/out",
$sb->add_choice_option("avatar_host", $hosts, "Avatars", true);
if ($config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar") {