image = $image; $this->user = $user; $this->author = $author; } } class Artists extends Extension { public function onImageInfoSet(ImageInfoSetEvent $event) { global $user; if (isset($_POST["tag_edit__author"])) { send_event(new AuthorSetEvent($event->image, $user, $_POST["tag_edit__author"])); } } public function onImageInfoBoxBuilding(ImageInfoBoxBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; $artistName = $this->get_artistName_by_imageID($event->image->id); if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $event->add_part($this->theme->get_author_editor_html($artistName), 42); } } public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event) { $matches = []; if (preg_match("/^(author|artist)[=|:](.*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $char = $matches[1]; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("Author = :author_char", ["author_char"=>$char])); } } public function onHelpPageBuilding(HelpPageBuildingEvent $event) { if ($event->key===HelpPages::SEARCH) { $block = new Block(); $block->header = "Artist"; $block->body = $this->theme->get_help_html(); $event->add_block($block); } } public function onDatabaseUpgrade(DatabaseUpgradeEvent $event) { global $config, $database; if ($this->get_version("ext_artists_version") < 1) { $database->create_table("artists", " id SCORE_AIPK, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, notes TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->create_table("artist_members", " id SCORE_AIPK, artist_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artists (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->create_table("artist_alias", " id SCORE_AIPK, artist_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, alias VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artists (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->create_table("artist_urls", " id SCORE_AIPK, artist_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, url VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artists (id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE images ADD COLUMN author VARCHAR(255) NULL"); $config->set_int("artistsPerPage", 20); $this->set_version("ext_artists_version", 1); } } public function onAuthorSet(AuthorSetEvent $event) { global $database; $author = strtolower($event->author); if (strlen($author) === 0 || strpos($author, " ")) { return; } $paddedAuthor = str_replace(" ", "_", $author); $artistID = null; if ($this->artist_exists($author)) { $artistID = $this->get_artist_id($author); } if (is_null($artistID) && $this->alias_exists_by_name($paddedAuthor)) { $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_aliasName($paddedAuthor); } if (is_null($artistID) && $this->member_exists_by_name($paddedAuthor)) { $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_memberName($paddedAuthor); } if (is_null($artistID) && $this->url_exists_by_url($author)) { $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_url($author); } if (!is_null($artistID)) { $artistName = $this->get_artistName_by_artistID($artistID); } else { $this->save_new_artist($author, ""); $artistName = $author; } $database->execute( "UPDATE images SET author = ? WHERE id = ?", [$artistName, $event->image->id] ); } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("artist")) { switch ($event->get_arg(0)) { //*************ARTIST SECTION************** case "list": { $this->get_listing($page, $event); $this->theme->sidebar_options("neutral"); break; } case "new": { if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $this->theme->new_artist_composer(); } else { $this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You must be registered and logged in to create a new artist."); } break; } case "new_artist": { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/new")); break; } case "create": { if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $newArtistID = $this->add_artist(); if ($newArtistID == -1) { $this->theme->display_error(400, "Error", "Error when entering artist data."); } else { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$newArtistID)); } } else { $this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You must be registered and logged in to create a new artist."); } break; } case "view": { $artistID = $event->get_arg(1); $artist = $this->get_artist($artistID); $aliases = $this->get_alias($artist['id']); $members = $this->get_members($artist['id']); $urls = $this->get_urls($artist['id']); $userIsLogged = !$user->is_anonymous(); $userIsAdmin = $user->can(Permissions::ARTISTS_ADMIN); $images = Image::find_images(0, 4, Tag::explode($artist['name'])); $this->theme->show_artist($artist, $aliases, $members, $urls, $images, $userIsLogged, $userIsAdmin); /* if ($userIsLogged) { $this->theme->show_new_alias_composer($artistID); $this->theme->show_new_member_composer($artistID); $this->theme->show_new_url_composer($artistID); } */ $this->theme->sidebar_options("editor", $artistID, $userIsAdmin); break; } case "edit": { $artistID = $event->get_arg(1); $artist = $this->get_artist($artistID); $aliases = $this->get_alias($artistID); $members = $this->get_members($artistID); $urls = $this->get_urls($artistID); if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $this->theme->show_artist_editor($artist, $aliases, $members, $urls); $userIsAdmin = $user->can(Permissions::ARTISTS_ADMIN); $this->theme->sidebar_options("editor", $artistID, $userIsAdmin); } else { $this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You must be registered and logged in to edit an artist."); } break; } case "edit_artist": { $artistID = $_POST['artist_id']; $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/edit/".$artistID)); break; } case "edited": { $artistID = int_escape($_POST['id']); $this->update_artist(); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "nuke_artist": { $artistID = $_POST['artist_id']; $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/nuke/".$artistID)); break; } case "nuke": { $artistID = $event->get_arg(1); $this->delete_artist($artistID); // this will delete the artist, its alias, its urls and its members $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/list")); break; } case "add_alias": { $artistID = $_POST['artist_id']; $this->theme->show_new_alias_composer($artistID); break; } case "add_member": { $artistID = $_POST['artist_id']; $this->theme->show_new_member_composer($artistID); break; } case "add_url": { $artistID = $_POST['artist_id']; $this->theme->show_new_url_composer($artistID); break; } //***********ALIAS SECTION *********************** case "alias": { switch ($event->get_arg(1)) { case "add": { $artistID = $_POST['artistID']; $this->add_alias(); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "delete": { $aliasID = $event->get_arg(2); $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_aliasID($aliasID); $this->delete_alias($aliasID); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "edit": { $aliasID = int_escape($event->get_arg(2)); $alias = $this->get_alias_by_id($aliasID); $this->theme->show_alias_editor($alias); break; } case "edited": { $this->update_alias(); $aliasID = int_escape($_POST['aliasID']); $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_aliasID($aliasID); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } } break; // case: alias } //**************** URLS SECTION ********************** case "url": { switch ($event->get_arg(1)) { case "add": { $artistID = $_POST['artistID']; $this->add_urls(); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "delete": { $urlID = $event->get_arg(2); $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_urlID($urlID); $this->delete_url($urlID); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "edit": { $urlID = int_escape($event->get_arg(2)); $url = $this->get_url_by_id($urlID); $this->theme->show_url_editor($url); break; } case "edited": { $this->update_url(); $urlID = int_escape($_POST['urlID']); $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_urlID($urlID); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } } break; // case: urls } //******************* MEMBERS SECTION ********************* case "member": { switch ($event->get_arg(1)) { case "add": { $artistID = $_POST['artistID']; $this->add_members(); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "delete": { $memberID = int_escape($event->get_arg(2)); $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_memberID($memberID); $this->delete_member($memberID); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } case "edit": { $memberID = int_escape($event->get_arg(2)); $member = $this->get_member_by_id($memberID); $this->theme->show_member_editor($member); break; } case "edited": { $this->update_member(); $memberID = int_escape($_POST['memberID']); $artistID = $this->get_artistID_by_memberID($memberID); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("artist/view/".$artistID)); break; } } break; //case: members } } } } private function get_artistName_by_imageID(int $imageID): string { global $database; $result = $database->get_row("SELECT author FROM images WHERE id = ?", [$imageID]); return stripslashes($result['author']); } private function url_exists_by_url(string $url): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artist_urls WHERE url = ?", [$url]); return ($result != 0); } private function member_exists_by_name(string $member): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artist_members WHERE name = ?", [$member]); return ($result != 0); } private function alias_exists_by_name(string $alias): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artist_alias WHERE alias = ?", [$alias]); return ($result != 0); } private function alias_exists(int $artistID, string $alias): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one( "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artist_alias WHERE artist_id = ? AND alias = ?", [$artistID, $alias] ); return ($result != 0); } private function get_artistID_by_url(string $url): int { global $database; return $database->get_one("SELECT artist_id FROM artist_urls WHERE url = ?", [$url]); } private function get_artistID_by_memberName(string $member): int { global $database; return $database->get_one("SELECT artist_id FROM artist_members WHERE name = ?", [$member]); } private function get_artistName_by_artistID(int $artistID): string { global $database; return $database->get_one("SELECT name FROM artists WHERE id = ?", [$artistID]); } private function get_artistID_by_aliasID(int $aliasID): int { global $database; return $database->get_one("SELECT artist_id FROM artist_alias WHERE id = ?", [$aliasID]); } private function get_artistID_by_memberID(int $memberID): int { global $database; return $database->get_one("SELECT artist_id FROM artist_members WHERE id = ?", [$memberID]); } private function get_artistID_by_urlID(int $urlID): int { global $database; return $database->get_one("SELECT artist_id FROM artist_urls WHERE id = ?", [$urlID]); } private function delete_alias(int $aliasID) { global $database; $database->execute("DELETE FROM artist_alias WHERE id = ?", [$aliasID]); } private function delete_url(int $urlID) { global $database; $database->execute("DELETE FROM artist_urls WHERE id = ?", [$urlID]); } private function delete_member(int $memberID) { global $database; $database->execute("DELETE FROM artist_members WHERE id = ?", [$memberID]); } private function get_alias_by_id(int $aliasID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM artist_alias WHERE id = ?", [$aliasID]); $result["alias"] = stripslashes($result["alias"]); return $result; } private function get_url_by_id(int $urlID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM artist_urls WHERE id = ?", [$urlID]); $result["url"] = stripslashes($result["url"]); return $result; } private function get_member_by_id(int $memberID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM artist_members WHERE id = ?", [$memberID]); $result["name"] = stripslashes($result["name"]); return $result; } private function update_artist() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ 'id' => 'int', 'name' => 'string,lower', 'notes' => 'string,trim,nullify', 'aliases' => 'string,trim,nullify', 'aliasesIDs' => 'string,trim,nullify', 'members' => 'string,trim,nullify', ]); $artistID = $inputs['id']; $name = $inputs['name']; $notes = $inputs['notes']; $userID = $user->id; $aliasesAsString = $inputs["aliases"]; $aliasesIDsAsString = $inputs["aliasesIDs"]; $membersAsString = $inputs["members"]; $membersIDsAsString = $inputs["membersIDs"]; $urlsAsString = $inputs["urls"]; $urlsIDsAsString = $inputs["urlsIDs"]; if (strpos($name, " ")) { return; } global $database; $database->execute( "UPDATE artists SET name = ?, notes = ?, updated = now(), user_id = ? WHERE id = ? ", [$name, $notes, $userID, $artistID] ); // ALIAS MATCHING SECTION $i = 0; $aliasesAsArray = is_null($aliasesAsString) ? [] : explode(" ", $aliasesAsString); $aliasesIDsAsArray = is_null($aliasesIDsAsString) ? [] : explode(" ", $aliasesIDsAsString); while ($i < count($aliasesAsArray)) { // if an alias was updated if ($i < count($aliasesIDsAsArray)) { $this->save_existing_alias($aliasesIDsAsArray[$i], $aliasesAsArray[$i], $userID); } else { // if we already updated all, save new ones $this->save_new_alias($artistID, $aliasesAsArray[$i], $userID); } $i++; } // if we have more ids than alias, then some alias have been deleted -- delete them from db while ($i < count($aliasesIDsAsArray)) { $this->delete_alias($aliasesIDsAsArray[$i++]); } // MEMBERS MATCHING SECTION $i = 0; $membersAsArray = is_null($membersAsString) ? [] : explode(" ", $membersAsString); $membersIDsAsArray = is_null($membersIDsAsString) ? [] : explode(" ", $membersIDsAsString); while ($i < count($membersAsArray)) { // if a member was updated if ($i < count($membersIDsAsArray)) { $this->save_existing_member($membersIDsAsArray[$i], $membersAsArray[$i], $userID); } else { // if we already updated all, save new ones $this->save_new_member($artistID, $membersAsArray[$i], $userID); } $i++; } // if we have more ids than members, then some members have been deleted -- delete them from db while ($i < count($membersIDsAsArray)) { $this->delete_member($membersIDsAsArray[$i++]); } // URLS MATCHING SECTION $i = 0; $urlsAsString = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $urlsAsString); $urlsAsString = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $urlsAsString); $urlsAsArray = is_null($urlsAsString) ? [] : explode("\n", $urlsAsString); $urlsIDsAsArray = is_null($urlsIDsAsString) ? [] : explode(" ", $urlsIDsAsString); while ($i < count($urlsAsArray)) { // if an URL was updated if ($i < count($urlsIDsAsArray)) { $this->save_existing_url($urlsIDsAsArray[$i], $urlsAsArray[$i], $userID); } else { $this->save_new_url($artistID, $urlsAsArray[$i], $userID); } $i++; } // if we have more ids than urls, then some urls have been deleted -- delete them from db while ($i < count($urlsIDsAsArray)) { $this->delete_url($urlsIDsAsArray[$i++]); } } private function update_alias() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "aliasID" => "int", "alias" => "string,lower", ]); $this->save_existing_alias($inputs['aliasID'], $inputs['alias'], $user->id); } private function save_existing_alias(int $aliasID, string $alias, int $userID) { global $database; $database->execute( "UPDATE artist_alias SET alias = ?, updated = now(), user_id = ? WHERE id = ? ", [$alias, $userID, $aliasID] ); } private function update_url() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "urlID" => "int", "url" => "string", ]); $this->save_existing_url($inputs['urlID'], $inputs['url'], $user->id); } private function save_existing_url(int $urlID, string $url, int $userID) { global $database; $database->execute( "UPDATE artist_urls SET url = ?, updated = now(), user_id = ? WHERE id = ?", [$url, $userID, $urlID] ); } private function update_member() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "memberID" => "int", "name" => "string,lower", ]); $this->save_existing_member($inputs['memberID'], $inputs['name'], $user->id); } private function save_existing_member(int $memberID, string $memberName, int $userID) { global $database; $database->execute( "UPDATE artist_members SET name = ?, updated = now(), user_id = ? WHERE id = ?", [$memberName, $userID, $memberID] ); } private function add_artist() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "name" => "string,lower", "notes" => "string,optional", "aliases" => "string,lower,optional", "members" => "string,lower,optional", "urls" => "string,optional" ]); $name = $inputs["name"]; if (strpos($name, " ")) { return -1; } $notes = $inputs["notes"]; $aliases = $inputs["aliases"]; $members = $inputs["members"]; $urls = $inputs["urls"]; $userID = $user->id; //$artistID = ""; //// WE CHECK IF THE ARTIST ALREADY EXISTS ON DATABASE; IF NOT WE CREATE if (!$this->artist_exists($name)) { $artistID = $this->save_new_artist($name, $notes); log_info("artists", "Artist {$artistID} created by {$user->name}"); } else { $artistID = $this->get_artist_id($name); } if (!is_null($aliases)) { $aliasArray = explode(" ", $aliases); foreach ($aliasArray as $alias) { if (!$this->alias_exists($artistID, $alias)) { $this->save_new_alias($artistID, $alias, $userID); } } } if (!is_null($members)) { $membersArray = explode(" ", $members); foreach ($membersArray as $member) { if (!$this->member_exists($artistID, $member)) { $this->save_new_member($artistID, $member, $userID); } } } if (!is_null($urls)) { //delete double "separators" $urls = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $urls); $urls = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $urls); $urlsArray = explode("\n", $urls); foreach ($urlsArray as $url) { if (!$this->url_exists($artistID, $url)) { $this->save_new_url($artistID, $url, $userID); } } } return $artistID; } private function save_new_artist(string $name, string $notes): int { global $database, $user; $database->execute(" INSERT INTO artists (user_id, name, notes, created, updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, now(), now()) ", [$user->id, $name, $notes]); return $database->get_last_insert_id('artists_id_seq'); } private function artist_exists(string $name): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one( "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artists WHERE name = ?", [$name] ); return ($result != 0); } private function get_artist(int $artistID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_row( "SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id = ?", [$artistID] ); $result["name"] = stripslashes($result["name"]); $result["notes"] = stripslashes($result["notes"]); return $result; } private function get_members(int $artistID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_all( "SELECT * FROM artist_members WHERE artist_id = ?", [$artistID] ); $num = count($result); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $num ; $i++) { $result[$i]["name"] = stripslashes($result[$i]["name"]); } return $result; } private function get_urls(int $artistID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_all( "SELECT id, url FROM artist_urls WHERE artist_id = ?", [$artistID] ); $num = count($result); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $num ; $i++) { $result[$i]["url"] = stripslashes($result[$i]["url"]); } return $result; } private function get_artist_id(string $name): int { global $database; return (int)$database->get_one( "SELECT id FROM artists WHERE name = ?", [$name] ); } private function get_artistID_by_aliasName(string $alias): int { global $database; return (int)$database->get_one( "SELECT artist_id FROM artist_alias WHERE alias = ?", [$alias] ); } private function delete_artist(int $artistID) { global $database; $database->execute( "DELETE FROM artists WHERE id = ? ", [$artistID] ); } /* * HERE WE GET THE LIST OF ALL ARTIST WITH PAGINATION */ private function get_listing(Page $page, PageRequestEvent $event) { global $config, $database; $pageNumber = clamp($event->get_arg(1), 1, null) - 1; $artistsPerPage = $config->get_int("artistsPerPage"); $listing = $database->get_all( " ( SELECT, a.user_id,, AS user_name, COALESCE(t.count, 0) AS posts , 'artist' as type, AS artist_id, AS artist_name, a.updated FROM artists AS a INNER JOIN users AS u ON a.user_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tags AS t ON = t.tag GROUP BY, a.user_id,, ORDER BY a.updated DESC ) UNION ( SELECT, aa.user_id, aa.alias AS name, AS user_name, COALESCE(t.count, 0) AS posts , 'alias' as type, AS artist_id, AS artist_name, aa.updated FROM artist_alias AS aa INNER JOIN users AS u ON aa.user_id = INNER JOIN artists AS a ON aa.artist_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tags AS t ON aa.alias = t.tag GROUP BY, a.user_id, aa.alias,,, ORDER BY aa.updated DESC ) UNION ( SELECT, m.user_id, AS name, AS user_name, COALESCE(t.count, 0) AS posts , 'member' AS type, AS artist_id, AS artist_name, m.updated FROM artist_members AS m INNER JOIN users AS u ON m.user_id = INNER JOIN artists AS a ON m.artist_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN tags AS t ON = t.tag GROUP BY, m.user_id,,,, ORDER BY m.updated DESC ) ORDER BY updated DESC LIMIT ?, ? ", [ $pageNumber * $artistsPerPage , $artistsPerPage ] ); $number_of_listings = count($listing); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $number_of_listings ; $i++) { $listing[$i]["name"] = stripslashes($listing[$i]["name"]); $listing[$i]["user_name"] = stripslashes($listing[$i]["user_name"]); $listing[$i]["artist_name"] = stripslashes($listing[$i]["artist_name"]); } $count = $database->get_one(" SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artists AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN artist_members AS am ON = am.artist_id LEFT OUTER JOIN artist_alias AS aa ON = aa.artist_id "); $totalPages = ceil($count / $artistsPerPage); $this->theme->list_artists($listing, $pageNumber + 1, $totalPages); } /* * HERE WE ADD AN ALIAS */ private function add_urls() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "artistID" => "int", "urls" => "string", ]); $artistID = $inputs["artistID"]; $urls = explode("\n", $inputs["urls"]); foreach ($urls as $url) { if (!$this->url_exists($artistID, $url)) { $this->save_new_url($artistID, $url, $user->id); } } } private function save_new_url(int $artistID, string $url, int $userID) { global $database; $database->execute( "INSERT INTO artist_urls (artist_id, created, updated, url, user_id) VALUES (?, now(), now(), ?, ?)", [$artistID, $url, $userID] ); } private function add_alias() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "artistID" => "int", "aliases" => "string,lower", ]); $artistID = $inputs["artistID"]; $aliases = explode(" ", $inputs["aliases"]); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if (!$this->alias_exists($artistID, $alias)) { $this->save_new_alias($artistID, $alias, $user->id); } } } private function save_new_alias(int $artistID, string $alias, int $userID) { global $database; $database->execute( "INSERT INTO artist_alias (artist_id, created, updated, alias, user_id) VALUES (?, now(), now(), ?, ?)", [$artistID, $alias, $userID] ); } private function add_members() { global $user; $inputs = validate_input([ "artistID" => "int", "members" => "string,lower", ]); $artistID = $inputs["artistID"]; $members = explode(" ", $inputs["members"]); foreach ($members as $member) { if (!$this->member_exists($artistID, $member)) { $this->save_new_member($artistID, $member, $user->id); } } } private function save_new_member(int $artistID, string $member, int $userID) { global $database; $database->execute( "INSERT INTO artist_members (artist_id, name, created, updated, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, now(), now(), ?)", [$artistID, $member, $userID] ); } private function member_exists(int $artistID, string $member): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one( "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artist_members WHERE artist_id = ? AND name = ?", [$artistID, $member] ); return ($result != 0); } private function url_exists(int $artistID, string $url): bool { global $database; $result = $database->get_one( "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM artist_urls WHERE artist_id = ? AND url = ?", [$artistID, $url] ); return ($result != 0); } /** * HERE WE GET THE INFO OF THE ALIAS */ private function get_alias(int $artistID): array { global $database; $result = $database->get_all(" SELECT id AS alias_id, alias AS alias_name FROM artist_alias WHERE artist_id = ? ORDER BY alias ASC ", [$artistID]); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($result) ; $i++) { $result[$i]["alias_name"] = stripslashes($result[$i]["alias_name"]); } return $result; } }