trimTag($tag_name,16); $tag_html .= "
"." ".$tag_trunc."". "
"; } $url_more = make_link("about/tagger"); $html = <<Collapse this block to hide Tagger.
About Tagger

EOD; $page->add_block( new Block("Tagger", "".$html, "left", 0)); } public function trimTag($s,$len=80) { if(strlen($s) > $len) { $s = substr($s, 0,$len-1); $s = substr($s,0, strrpos($s,'_'))."..."; } return $s; } public function show_about ($event) { global $page; $html = <<
  • Click the links to add the tag to the image's tag list, when done, press Set to save the tags.
  • If you are having trouble finding the tag you are looking for, enter it into the box at the top.
    As you type, Tagger will remove tags that do not match to aid your search.
    If it is not in the list, click Add to add the tag to the image's tag list.
    Tags must have two uses to appear in Tagger's list, so you'll have to enter the tag at least once more.
  • EOD; $page->set_title("About Extension: Tagger"); $page->set_heading("About Extension: Tagger"); $page->add_block( new Block("Author","Erik Youngren (Artanis)","main",0)); $page->add_block( new Block("Use", $html,"main",1)); } } ?>