get_version("ext_notes_version") < 1) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE images ADD COLUMN notes INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); $database->create_table("notes", " id SCORE_AIPK, enable INTEGER NOT NULL, image_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_ip CHAR(15) NOT NULL, date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, x1 INTEGER NOT NULL, y1 INTEGER NOT NULL, height INTEGER NOT NULL, width INTEGER NOT NULL, note TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES images(id) ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX notes_image_id_idx ON notes(image_id)", []); $database->create_table("note_request", " id SCORE_AIPK, image_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES images(id) ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX note_request_image_id_idx ON note_request(image_id)", []); $database->create_table("note_histories", " id SCORE_AIPK, note_enable INTEGER NOT NULL, note_id INTEGER NOT NULL, review_id INTEGER NOT NULL, image_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_ip CHAR(15) NOT NULL, date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, x1 INTEGER NOT NULL, y1 INTEGER NOT NULL, height INTEGER NOT NULL, width INTEGER NOT NULL, note TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (note_id) REFERENCES notes(id) ON DELETE CASCADE "); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX note_histories_image_id_idx ON note_histories(image_id)", []); $config->set_int("notesNotesPerPage", 20); $config->set_int("notesRequestsPerPage", 20); $config->set_int("notesHistoriesPerPage", 20); $this->set_version("ext_notes_version", 1); } } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event): void { global $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("note/list", paged: true)) { $this->get_notes_list($event->get_iarg('page_num', 1) - 1); // This should show images like post/list but i don't know how do that. } if ($event->page_matches("note/requests", paged: true)) { $this->get_notes_requests($event->get_iarg('page_num', 1) - 1); // This should show images like post/list but i don't know how do that. } if ($event->page_matches("note/updated", paged: true)) { $this->get_histories($event->get_iarg('page_num', 1) - 1); } if ($event->page_matches("note/history/{note_id}", paged: true)) { $this->get_history($event->get_iarg('note_id'), $event->get_iarg('page_num', 1) - 1); } if ($event->page_matches("note/revert/{noteID}/{reviewID}")) { $noteID = $event->get_iarg('noteID'); $reviewID = $event->get_iarg('reviewID'); if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $this->revert_history($noteID, $reviewID); } $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("note/updated")); } if ($event->page_matches("note/add_request")) { $image_id = int_escape($event->req_POST("image_id")); if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $this->add_note_request($image_id); } $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/$image_id")); } if ($event->page_matches("note/nuke_requests")) { $image_id = int_escape($event->req_POST("image_id")); if ($user->can(Permissions::NOTES_ADMIN)) { $this->nuke_requests($image_id); } $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/$image_id")); } if ($event->page_matches("note/create_note")) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::DATA); if (!$user->can(Permissions::NOTES_CREATE)) { $note_id = $this->add_new_note(); $page->set_data(json_encode_ex([ 'status' => 'success', 'note_id' => $note_id, ])); } } if ($event->page_matches("note/update_note")) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::DATA); if (!$user->can(Permissions::NOTES_EDIT)) { $this->update_note(); $page->set_data(json_encode_ex(['status' => 'success'])); } } if ($event->page_matches("note/delete_note")) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::DATA); if ($user->can(Permissions::NOTES_ADMIN)) { $this->delete_note(); $page->set_data(json_encode_ex(['status' => 'success'])); } } if ($event->page_matches("note/nuke_notes")) { $image_id = int_escape($event->req_POST("image_id")); if ($user->can(Permissions::NOTES_ADMIN)) { $this->nuke_notes($image_id); } $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/$image_id")); } } /* * HERE WE LOAD THE NOTES IN THE IMAGE */ public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event): void { global $page, $user; //display form on image event $notes = $this->get_notes($event->image->id); $this->theme->display_note_system($page, $event->image->id, $notes, $user->can(Permissions::NOTES_ADMIN)); } /* * HERE WE ADD THE BUTTONS ON SIDEBAR */ public function onImageAdminBlockBuilding(ImageAdminBlockBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user; if (!$user->can(Permissions::NOTES_CREATE)) { $event->add_part($this->theme->note_button($event->image->id)); $event->add_part($this->theme->request_button($event->image->id)); if ($user->can(Permissions::NOTES_ADMIN)) { $event->add_part($this->theme->nuke_notes_button($event->image->id)); $event->add_part($this->theme->nuke_requests_button($event->image->id)); } } } /* * HERE WE ADD QUERYLETS TO ADD SEARCH SYSTEM */ public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event): void { if (is_null($event->term)) { return; } $matches = []; if (preg_match("/^note[=|:](.*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $notes = int_escape($matches[1]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet(" IN (SELECT image_id FROM notes WHERE note = $notes)")); } elseif (preg_match("/^notes([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+)%/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "="; $notes = $matches[2]; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet(" IN (SELECT id FROM images WHERE notes $cmp $notes)")); } elseif (preg_match("/^notes_by[=|:](.*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $user_id = User::name_to_id($matches[1]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet(" IN (SELECT image_id FROM notes WHERE user_id = $user_id)")); } elseif (preg_match("/^(notes_by_userno|notes_by_user_id)[=|:](\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $user_id = int_escape($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet(" IN (SELECT image_id FROM notes WHERE user_id = $user_id)")); } } public function onHelpPageBuilding(HelpPageBuildingEvent $event): void { if ($event->key === HelpPages::SEARCH) { $block = new Block(); $block->header = "Notes"; $block->body = $this->theme->get_help_html(); $event->add_block($block); } } /** * HERE WE GET ALL NOTES FOR DISPLAYED IMAGE. * * @return array */ private function get_notes(int $imageID): array { global $database; return $database->get_all(" SELECT * FROM notes WHERE enable = :enable AND image_id = :image_id ORDER BY date ASC ", ['enable' => '1', 'image_id' => $imageID]); } /* * HERE WE ADD A NOTE TO DATABASE */ private function add_new_note(): int { global $database, $user; $note = json_decode(file_get_contents_ex('php://input'), true); $database->execute( " INSERT INTO notes (enable, image_id, user_id, user_ip, date, x1, y1, height, width, note) VALUES (:enable, :image_id, :user_id, :user_ip, now(), :x1, :y1, :height, :width, :note)", [ 'enable' => 1, 'image_id' => $note['image_id'], 'user_id' => $user->id, 'user_ip' => get_real_ip(), 'x1' => $note['x1'], 'y1' => $note['y1'], 'height' => $note['height'], 'width' => $note['width'], 'note' => $note['note'], ] ); $noteID = $database->get_last_insert_id('notes_id_seq'); log_info("notes", "Note added {$noteID} by {$user->name}"); $database->execute("UPDATE images SET notes=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notes WHERE image_id=:id) WHERE id=:id", ['id' => $note['image_id']]); $this->add_history( 1, $noteID, $note['image_id'], $note['x1'], $note['y1'], $note['height'], $note['width'], $note['note'] ); return $noteID; } private function add_note_request(int $image_id): void { global $database, $user; $user_id = $user->id; $database->execute( " INSERT INTO note_request (image_id, user_id, date) VALUES (:image_id, :user_id, now())", ['image_id' => $image_id, 'user_id' => $user_id] ); $resultID = $database->get_last_insert_id('note_request_id_seq'); log_info("notes", "Note requested {$resultID} by {$user->name}"); } private function update_note(): void { global $database; $note = json_decode(file_get_contents_ex('php://input'), true); // validate parameters if (empty($note['note'])) { return; } $database->execute(" UPDATE notes SET x1 = :x1, y1 = :y1, height = :height, width = :width, note = :note WHERE image_id = :image_id AND id = :note_id", $note); $this->add_history(1, $note['note_id'], $note['image_id'], $note['x1'], $note['y1'], $note['height'], $note['width'], $note['note']); } private function delete_note(): void { global $user, $database; $note = json_decode(file_get_contents_ex('php://input'), true); $database->execute(" UPDATE notes SET enable = :enable WHERE image_id = :image_id AND id = :id ", ['enable' => 0, 'image_id' => $note["image_id"], 'id' => $note["note_id"]]); log_info("notes", "Note deleted {$note["note_id"]} by {$user->name}"); } private function nuke_notes(int $image_id): void { global $database, $user; $database->execute("DELETE FROM notes WHERE image_id = :image_id", ['image_id' => $image_id]); log_info("notes", "Notes deleted from {$image_id} by {$user->name}"); } private function nuke_requests(int $image_id): void { global $database, $user; $database->execute("DELETE FROM note_request WHERE image_id = :image_id", ['image_id' => $image_id]); log_info("notes", "Requests deleted from {$image_id} by {$user->name}"); } private function get_notes_list(int $pageNumber): void { global $database, $config; $notesPerPage = $config->get_int('notesNotesPerPage'); $totalPages = (int) ceil($database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT image_id) FROM notes") / $notesPerPage); //$result = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM pool_images WHERE pool_id=:pool_id", ['pool_id'=>$poolID]); $image_ids = $database->get_col( " SELECT DISTINCT image_id FROM notes WHERE enable = :enable ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", ['enable' => 1, 'offset' => $pageNumber * $notesPerPage, 'limit' => $notesPerPage] ); $images = []; foreach ($image_ids as $id) { $images[] = Image::by_id($id); } $this->theme->display_note_list($images, $pageNumber + 1, $totalPages); } private function get_notes_requests(int $pageNumber): void { global $config, $database; $requestsPerPage = $config->get_int('notesRequestsPerPage'); //$result = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM pool_images WHERE pool_id=:pool_id", ['pool_id'=>$poolID]); $result = $database->execute( " SELECT DISTINCT image_id FROM note_request ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", ["offset" => $pageNumber * $requestsPerPage, "limit" => $requestsPerPage] ); $totalPages = (int) ceil($database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM note_request") / $requestsPerPage); $images = []; while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $images[] = Image::by_id($row["image_id"]); } $this->theme->display_note_requests($images, $pageNumber + 1, $totalPages); } private function add_history(int $noteEnable, int $noteID, int $imageID, int $noteX1, int $noteY1, int $noteHeight, int $noteWidth, string $noteText): void { global $user, $database; $reviewID = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM note_histories WHERE note_id = :note_id", ['note_id' => $noteID]); $reviewID = $reviewID + 1; $database->execute( " INSERT INTO note_histories (note_enable, note_id, review_id, image_id, user_id, user_ip, date, x1, y1, height, width, note) VALUES (:note_enable, :note_id, :review_id, :image_id, :user_id, :user_ip, now(), :x1, :y1, :height, :width, :note) ", [ 'note_enable' => $noteEnable, 'note_id' => $noteID, 'review_id' => $reviewID, 'image_id' => $imageID, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'user_ip' => get_real_ip(), 'x1' => $noteX1, 'y1' => $noteY1, 'height' => $noteHeight, 'width' => $noteWidth, 'note' => $noteText ] ); } private function get_histories(int $pageNumber): void { global $config, $database; $historiesPerPage = $config->get_int('notesHistoriesPerPage'); //ORDER BY IMAGE & DATE $histories = $database->get_all( "SELECT h.note_id, h.review_id, h.image_id,, h.note, AS user_name " . "FROM note_histories AS h " . "INNER JOIN users AS u " . "ON = h.user_id " . "ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", ['offset' => $pageNumber * $historiesPerPage, 'limit' => $historiesPerPage] ); $totalPages = (int) ceil($database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM note_histories") / $historiesPerPage); $this->theme->display_histories($histories, $pageNumber + 1, $totalPages); } private function get_history(int $noteID, int $pageNumber): void { global $config, $database; $historiesPerPage = $config->get_int('notesHistoriesPerPage'); $histories = $database->get_all( "SELECT h.note_id, h.review_id, h.image_id,, h.note, AS user_name " . "FROM note_histories AS h " . "INNER JOIN users AS u " . "ON = h.user_id " . "WHERE note_id = :note_id " . "ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", ['note_id' => $noteID, 'offset' => $pageNumber * $historiesPerPage, 'limit' => $historiesPerPage] ); $totalPages = (int) ceil($database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM note_histories WHERE note_id = :note_id", ['note_id' => $noteID]) / $historiesPerPage); $this->theme->display_history($histories, $pageNumber + 1, $totalPages); } /** * HERE GO BACK IN HISTORY AND SET THE OLD NOTE. IF WAS REMOVED WE RE-ADD IT. */ private function revert_history(int $noteID, int $reviewID): void { global $database; $history = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM note_histories WHERE note_id = :note_id AND review_id = :review_id", ['note_id' => $noteID, 'review_id' => $reviewID]); $noteEnable = $history['note_enable']; $noteID = $history['note_id']; $imageID = $history['image_id']; $noteX1 = $history['x1']; $noteY1 = $history['y1']; $noteHeight = $history['height']; $noteWidth = $history['width']; $noteText = $history['note']; $database->execute(" UPDATE notes SET enable = :enable, x1 = :x1, y1 = :y1, height = :height, width = :width, note = :note WHERE image_id = :image_id AND id = :id ", ['enable' => 1, 'x1' => $noteX1, 'y1' => $noteY1, 'height' => $noteHeight, 'width' => $noteWidth, 'note' => $noteText, 'image_id' => $imageID, 'id' => $noteID]); $this->add_history($noteEnable, $noteID, $imageID, $noteX1, $noteY1, $noteHeight, $noteWidth, $noteText); } }