make_link("user/{$row[$this->name]}")], $row[$this->name]); } } class UserActionColumn extends ActionColumn { public function __construct() { parent::__construct("id"); $this->sortable = false; } public function display(array $row): HTMLElement { return A(["href" => search_link(["user={$row['name']}"])], "Posts"); } } class UserTable extends Table { public function __construct(\FFSPHP\PDO $db) { $classes = []; foreach (UserClass::$known_classes as $cls) { $classes[$cls->name] = $cls->name; } ksort($classes); parent::__construct($db); $this->table = "users"; $this->base_query = "SELECT * FROM users"; $this->size = 100; $this->limit = 1000000; $this->set_columns([ new IntegerColumn("id", "ID"), new UserNameColumn("name", "Name"), new EnumColumn("class", "Class", $classes), // Added later, for admins only // new TextColumn("email", "Email"), new DateColumn("joindate", "Join Date"), new UserActionColumn(), ]); $this->order_by = ["id DESC"]; $this->table_attrs = ["class" => "zebra form"]; } } class UserCreationException extends SCoreException { } #[Type] class LoginResult { public function __construct( #[Field] public User $user, #[Field] public ?string $session = null, #[Field] public ?string $error = null, ) { } #[Mutation] public static function login(string $username, string $password): LoginResult { global $config; $duser = User::by_name_and_pass($username, $password); if (!is_null($duser)) { return new LoginResult( $duser, UserPage::get_session_id($duser->name), null ); } else { $anon = User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0)); return new LoginResult( $anon, null, "No user found" ); } } #[Mutation] public static function create_user(string $username, string $password1, string $password2, string $email): LoginResult { global $config; try { $uce = send_event(new UserCreationEvent($username, $password1, $password2, $email, true)); return new LoginResult( User::by_name($username), UserPage::get_session_id($username), null ); } catch (UserCreationException $ex) { return new LoginResult( User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0)), null, $ex->getMessage() ); } } } class UserPage extends Extension { /** @var UserPageTheme $theme */ public Themelet $theme; public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event): void { global $config; $config->set_default_bool("login_signup_enabled", true); $config->set_default_int("login_memory", 365); $config->set_default_string("avatar_host", "none"); $config->set_default_int("avatar_gravatar_size", 80); $config->set_default_string("avatar_gravatar_default", ""); $config->set_default_string("avatar_gravatar_rating", "g"); $config->set_default_bool("login_tac_bbcode", true); $config->set_default_bool("user_email_required", false); } public function onUserLogin(UserLoginEvent $event): void { global $user; $user = $event->user; } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event): void { global $config, $database, $page, $user; $this->show_user_info(); if ($user->can(Permissions::VIEW_HELLBANNED)) { $page->add_html_header(""); } elseif (!$user->can(Permissions::HELLBANNED)) { $page->add_html_header(""); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/login", method: "GET")) { $this->theme->display_login_page($page); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/login", method: "POST", authed: false)) { $this->page_login($event->req_POST('user'), $event->req_POST('pass')); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/recover", method: "POST")) { $this->page_recover($event->req_POST('username')); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/create", method: "GET", permission: Permissions::CREATE_USER)) { global $config, $page, $user; if (!$config->get_bool("login_signup_enabled")) { $this->theme->display_signups_disabled($page); return; } $this->theme->display_signup_page($page); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/create", method: "POST", authed: false, permission: Permissions::CREATE_USER)) { global $config, $page, $user; if (!$config->get_bool("login_signup_enabled")) { $this->theme->display_signups_disabled($page); return; } try { $uce = send_event( new UserCreationEvent( $event->req_POST('name'), $event->req_POST('pass1'), $event->req_POST('pass2'), $event->req_POST('email'), true ) ); $this->set_login_cookie($uce->username); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("user")); } catch (UserCreationException $ex) { $this->theme->display_error(400, "User Creation Error", $ex->getMessage()); } } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/create_other", method: "POST", permission: Permissions::CREATE_OTHER_USER)) { send_event( new UserCreationEvent( $event->req_POST("name"), $event->req_POST("pass1"), $event->req_POST("pass1"), $event->req_POST("email"), false ) ); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("admin")); $page->flash("Created new user"); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/list", method: "GET")) { $t = new UserTable($database->raw_db()); $t->token = $user->get_auth_token(); $t->inputs = $event->GET; if ($user->can(Permissions::DELETE_USER)) { $col = new TextColumn("email", "Email"); // $t->columns[] = $col; array_splice($t->columns, 2, 0, [$col]); } $this->theme->display_crud("Users", $t->table($t->query()), $t->paginator()); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/classes", method: "GET")) { $this->theme->display_user_classes( $page, UserClass::$known_classes, (new \ReflectionClass(Permissions::class))->getReflectionConstants() ); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/logout", method: "GET")) { // FIXME: security $this->page_logout(); } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/change_name", method: "POST", permission: Permissions::EDIT_USER_NAME)) { $input = validate_input([ 'id' => 'user_id,exists', 'name' => 'user_name', ]); $duser = User::by_id($input['id']); if ($this->user_can_edit_user($user, $duser)) { $duser->set_name($input['name']); $page->flash("Username changed"); // TODO: set login cookie if user changed themselves $this->redirect_to_user($duser); } } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/change_pass", method: "POST")) { $input = validate_input([ 'id' => 'user_id,exists', 'pass1' => 'password', 'pass2' => 'password', ]); $duser = User::by_id($input['id']); if ($this->user_can_edit_user($user, $duser)) { if ($input['pass1'] != $input['pass2']) { throw new InvalidInput("Passwords don't match"); } else { // FIXME: send_event() $duser->set_password($input['pass1']); if ($duser->id == $user->id) { $this->set_login_cookie($duser->name); } $page->flash("Password changed"); $this->redirect_to_user($duser); } } } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/change_email", method: "POST")) { $input = validate_input([ 'id' => 'user_id,exists', 'address' => 'email', ]); $duser = User::by_id($input['id']); if ($this->user_can_edit_user($user, $duser)) { $duser->set_email($input['address']); $page->flash("Email changed"); $this->redirect_to_user($duser); } } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/change_class", method: "POST")) { $input = validate_input([ 'id' => 'user_id,exists', 'class' => 'user_class', ]); $duser = User::by_id($input['id']); // hard-coded that only admins can change people's classes if ($user->class->name == "admin") { $duser->set_class($input['class']); $page->flash("Class changed"); $this->redirect_to_user($duser); } } if ($event->page_matches("user_admin/delete_user", method: "POST", permission: Permissions::DELETE_USER)) { $this->delete_user( $page, int_escape($event->req_POST('id')), $event->get_POST("with_images") == "on", $event->get_POST("with_comments") == "on" ); } if ($event->page_matches("user/{name}")) { $display_user = User::by_name($event->get_arg('name')); if (!is_null($display_user) && ($display_user->id != $config->get_int("anon_id"))) { $e = send_event(new UserPageBuildingEvent($display_user)); $this->display_stats($e); } else { $this->theme->display_error( 404, "No Such User", "If you typed the ID by hand, try again; if you came from a link on this " . "site, it might be bug report time..." ); } } elseif($event->page_matches("user")) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("user/" . $user->name)); } } public function onUserPageBuilding(UserPageBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user, $config; $h_join_date = autodate($event->display_user->join_date); if ($event->display_user->can(Permissions::HELLBANNED)) { $h_class = $event->display_user->class->parent->name; } else { $h_class = $event->display_user->class->name; } $event->add_part("Joined: $h_join_date", 10); if ($user->name == $event->display_user->name) { $event->add_part("Current IP: " . get_real_ip(), 80); } $event->add_part("Class: $h_class", 90); $av = $event->display_user->get_avatar_html(); if ($av) { $event->add_part($av, 0); } elseif ( ( $config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar" ) && ($user->id == $event->display_user->id) ) { $event->add_part( "No avatar? This gallery uses Gravatar for avatar hosting, use the" . "
same email address here and there to have your avatar synced
", 0 ); } } public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user; if ($user->is_anonymous()) { $event->add_nav_link("user", new Link('user_admin/login'), "Account", null, 10); } else { $event->add_nav_link("user", new Link('user'), "Account", null, 10); } } private function display_stats(UserPageBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user, $page, $config; $this->theme->display_user_page($event->display_user, $event->get_parts()); if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { if ($user->id == $event->display_user->id || $user->can("edit_user_info")) { $user_config = UserConfig::get_for_user($event->display_user->id); $uobe = send_event(new UserOperationsBuildingEvent($event->display_user, $user_config)); $page->add_block(new Block("Operations", $this->theme->build_operations($event->display_user, $uobe), "main", 60)); } } if ($user->id == $event->display_user->id) { $ubbe = send_event(new UserBlockBuildingEvent()); $this->theme->display_user_links($page, $user, $ubbe->get_parts()); } if ( ($user->can(Permissions::VIEW_IP) || ($user->is_logged_in() && $user->id == $event->display_user->id)) && # admin or self-user ($event->display_user->id != $config->get_int('anon_id')) # don't show anon's IP list, it is le huge ) { $this->theme->display_ip_list( $page, $this->count_upload_ips($event->display_user), $this->count_comment_ips($event->display_user), $this->count_log_ips($event->display_user) ); } } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event): void { global $config; $hosts = [ "None" => "none", "Gravatar" => "gravatar" ]; $sb = $event->panel->create_new_block("User Options"); $sb->start_table(); $sb->add_bool_option(UserConfig::ENABLE_API_KEYS, "Enable user API keys", true); $sb->add_bool_option("login_signup_enabled", "Allow new signups", true); $sb->add_bool_option("user_email_required", "Require email address", true); $sb->add_longtext_option("login_tac", "Terms & Conditions", true); $sb->add_choice_option( "user_loginshowprofile", [ "Return to previous page" => 0, // 0 is default "Send to user profile" => 1, ], "On log in/out", true ); $sb->add_choice_option("avatar_host", $hosts, "Avatars", true); if ($config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar") { $sb->start_table_row(); $sb->start_table_cell(2); $sb->add_label("
Gravatar Options
"); $sb->end_table_cell(); $sb->end_table_row(); $sb->add_choice_option( "avatar_gravatar_type", [ 'Default' => 'default', 'Wavatar' => 'wavatar', 'Monster ID' => 'monsterid', 'Identicon' => 'identicon' ], "Type", true ); $sb->add_choice_option( "avatar_gravatar_rating", ['G' => 'g', 'PG' => 'pg', 'R' => 'r', 'X' => 'x'], "Rating", true ); } $sb->end_table(); } public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user; if ($event->parent === "system") { if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_PASSWORD)) { $event->add_nav_link("user_admin", new Link('user_admin/list'), "User List", NavLink::is_active(["user_admin"])); } } if ($event->parent === "user" && !$user->is_anonymous()) { $event->add_nav_link("logout", new Link('user_admin/logout'), "Log Out", false, 90); } } public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user; $event->add_link("My Profile", make_link("user")); if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_PASSWORD)) { $event->add_link("User List", make_link("user_admin/list"), 97); } if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_CLASS)) { $event->add_link("User Classes", make_link("user_admin/classes"), 98); } $event->add_link("Log Out", make_link("user_admin/logout"), 99); } public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event): void { global $user; if ($user->can(Permissions::CREATE_OTHER_USER)) { $this->theme->display_user_creator(); } } public function onUserCreation(UserCreationEvent $event): void { global $config, $page, $user; $name = $event->username; //$pass = $event->password; //$email = $event->email; if (!$user->can(Permissions::CREATE_USER)) { throw new UserCreationException("Account creation is currently disabled"); } if (!$config->get_bool("login_signup_enabled") && !$user->can(Permissions::CREATE_OTHER_USER)) { throw new UserCreationException("Account creation is currently disabled"); } if (strlen($name) < 1) { throw new UserCreationException("Username must be at least 1 character"); } if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/', $name)) { throw new UserCreationException( "Username contains invalid characters. Allowed characters are " . "letters, numbers, dash, and underscore" ); } if (User::by_name($name)) { throw new UserCreationException("That username is already taken"); } if (!captcha_check()) { throw new UserCreationException("Error in captcha"); } if ($event->password != $event->password2) { throw new UserCreationException("Passwords don't match"); } if ( // Users who can create other users (ie, admins) are exempt // from the email requirement !$user->can(Permissions::CREATE_OTHER_USER) && ($config->get_bool("user_email_required") && empty($event->email)) ) { throw new UserCreationException("Email address is required"); } $new_user = $this->create_user($event); if ($event->login) { send_event(new UserLoginEvent($new_user)); } } public const USER_SEARCH_REGEX = "/^(?:poster|user)(!?)[=|:](.*)$/i"; public const USER_ID_SEARCH_REGEX = "/^(?:poster|user)_id(!?)[=|:]([0-9]+)$/i"; /** * @param string[] $context */ public static function has_user_query(array $context): bool { foreach ($context as $term) { if ( preg_match(self::USER_SEARCH_REGEX, $term) || preg_match(self::USER_ID_SEARCH_REGEX, $term) ) { return true; } } return false; } public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event): void { global $user; if (is_null($event->term)) { return; } $matches = []; if (preg_match(self::USER_SEARCH_REGEX, $event->term, $matches)) { $duser = User::by_name($matches[2]); if (is_null($duser)) { throw new SearchTermParseException( "Can't find the user named " . html_escape($matches[2]) ); } $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.owner_id {$matches[1]}= {$duser->id}")); } elseif (preg_match(self::USER_ID_SEARCH_REGEX, $event->term, $matches)) { $user_id = int_escape($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.owner_id {$matches[1]}= $user_id")); } elseif ($user->can(Permissions::VIEW_IP) && preg_match("/^(?:poster|user)_ip[=|:]([0-9\.]+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $user_ip = $matches[1]; // FIXME: ip_escape? $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.owner_ip = '$user_ip'")); } } public function onHelpPageBuilding(HelpPageBuildingEvent $event): void { if ($event->key === HelpPages::SEARCH) { $block = new Block(); $block->header = "Users"; $block->body = (string) $this->theme->get_help_html(); $event->add_block($block); } } private function show_user_info(): void { global $user, $page; // user info is shown on all pages if ($user->is_anonymous()) { $this->theme->display_login_block($page); } else { $ubbe = send_event(new UserBlockBuildingEvent()); $this->theme->display_user_block($page, $user, $ubbe->get_parts()); } } private function page_login(string $name, string $pass): void { global $config, $page; $duser = User::by_name_and_pass($name, $pass); if (!is_null($duser)) { send_event(new UserLoginEvent($duser)); $this->set_login_cookie($duser->name); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); // Try returning to previous page if ($config->get_int("user_loginshowprofile", 0)) { $page->set_redirect(referer_or(make_link(), ["user/"])); } else { $page->set_redirect(make_link("user")); } } else { $this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "No user with those details was found"); } } private function page_logout(): void { global $page, $config; $page->add_cookie("session", "", time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $config->get_int('login_memory'), "/"); if (SPEED_HAX) { # to keep as few versions of content as possible, # make cookies all-or-nothing $page->add_cookie("user", "", time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $config->get_int('login_memory'), "/"); } log_info("user", "Logged out"); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); // Try forwarding to same page on logout unless user comes from registration page if ($config->get_int("user_loginshowprofile", 0)) { $page->set_redirect(referer_or(make_link(), ["post/"])); } else { $page->set_redirect(make_link()); } } private function page_recover(string $username): void { $my_user = User::by_name($username); if (is_null($my_user)) { $this->theme->display_error(404, "Error", "There's no user with that name"); } elseif (is_null($my_user->email)) { $this->theme->display_error(400, "Error", "That user has no registered email address"); } else { throw new ServerError("Email sending not implemented"); } } private function create_user(UserCreationEvent $event): User { global $database; $email = (!empty($event->email)) ? $event->email : null; // if there are currently no admins, the new user should be one $need_admin = ($database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE class='admin'") == 0); $class = $need_admin ? 'admin' : 'user'; $database->execute( "INSERT INTO users (name, pass, joindate, email, class) VALUES (:username, :hash, now(), :email, :class)", ["username" => $event->username, "hash" => '', "email" => $email, "class" => $class] ); $uid = $database->get_last_insert_id('users_id_seq'); $new_user = User::by_name($event->username); $new_user->set_password($event->password); log_info("user", "Created User #$uid ({$event->username})"); return $new_user; } public static function get_session_id(string $name): string { global $config; $addr = get_session_ip($config); $hash = User::by_name($name)->passhash; return md5($hash . $addr); } private function set_login_cookie(string $name): void { global $config, $page; $page->add_cookie( "user", $name, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, '/' ); $page->add_cookie( "session", $this->get_session_id($name), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $config->get_int('login_memory'), '/' ); } private function user_can_edit_user(User $a, User $b): bool { if ($a->is_anonymous()) { $this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You aren't logged in"); return false; } if ( ($a->name == $b->name) || ($b->can(Permissions::PROTECTED) && $a->class->name == "admin") || (!$b->can(Permissions::PROTECTED) && $a->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_INFO)) ) { return true; } else { $this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You need to be an admin to change other people's details"); return false; } } private function redirect_to_user(User $duser): void { global $page, $user; if ($user->id == $duser->id) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("user")); } else { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("user/{$duser->name}")); } } /** * @return array */ private function count_upload_ips(User $duser): array { global $database; return $database->get_pairs(" SELECT owner_ip, COUNT( AS count FROM images WHERE owner_id=:id GROUP BY owner_ip ORDER BY max(posted) DESC", ["id" => $duser->id]); } /** * @return array */ private function count_comment_ips(User $duser): array { global $database; return $database->get_pairs(" SELECT owner_ip, COUNT( AS count FROM comments WHERE owner_id=:id GROUP BY owner_ip ORDER BY max(posted) DESC", ["id" => $duser->id]); } /** * @return array */ private function count_log_ips(User $duser): array { if (!Extension::is_enabled(LogDatabaseInfo::KEY)) { return []; } global $database; return $database->get_pairs(" SELECT address, COUNT(id) AS count FROM score_log WHERE username=:username GROUP BY address ORDER BY MAX(date_sent) DESC", ["username" => $duser->name]); } private function delete_user(Page $page, int $uid, bool $with_images = false, bool $with_comments = false): void { global $user, $config, $database; $page->set_title("Error"); $page->set_heading("Error"); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); $duser = User::by_id($uid); log_warning("user", "Deleting user #{$uid} (@{$duser->name})"); if ($with_images) { log_warning("user", "Deleting user #{$uid} (@{$duser->name})'s uploads"); $image_ids = $database->get_col("SELECT id FROM images WHERE owner_id = :owner_id", ["owner_id" => $uid]); foreach ($image_ids as $image_id) { $image = Image::by_id((int) $image_id); if ($image) { send_event(new ImageDeletionEvent($image)); } } } else { $database->execute( "UPDATE images SET owner_id = :new_owner_id WHERE owner_id = :old_owner_id", ["new_owner_id" => $config->get_int('anon_id'), "old_owner_id" => $uid] ); } if ($with_comments) { log_warning("user", "Deleting user #{$uid} (@{$duser->name})'s comments"); $database->execute("DELETE FROM comments WHERE owner_id = :owner_id", ["owner_id" => $uid]); } else { $database->execute( "UPDATE comments SET owner_id = :new_owner_id WHERE owner_id = :old_owner_id", ["new_owner_id" => $config->get_int('anon_id'), "old_owner_id" => $uid] ); } send_event(new UserDeletionEvent($uid)); $database->execute( "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id", ["id" => $uid] ); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link()); } }