make_thread_list($threads, $showAdminOptions); } $page->set_title(html_escape("Forum")); $page->set_heading(html_escape("Forum")); $page->add_block(new Block("Forum", $html, "main", 10)); $this->display_paginator($page, "forum/index", null, $pageNumber, $totalPages); } public function display_new_thread_composer(Page $page, $threadText = null, $threadTitle = null): void { global $config, $user; $max_characters = $config->get_int('forumMaxCharsPerPost'); $html = SHM_SIMPLE_FORM( "forum/create", TABLE( ["style" => "width: 500px;"], TR( TD("Title:"), TD(INPUT(["type" => "text", "name" => "title", "value" => $threadTitle])) ), TR( TD("Message:"), TD(TEXTAREA( ["id" => "message", "name" => "message"], $threadText )) ), TR( TD(), TD(SMALL("Max characters allowed: $max_characters.")) ), $user->can(Permissions::FORUM_ADMIN) ? TR( TD(), TD( LABEL(["for" => "sticky"], "Sticky:"), INPUT(["name" => "sticky", "id" => "sticky", "type" => "checkbox", "value" => "Y"]) ) ) : null, TR( TD( ["colspan" => 2], INPUT(["type" => "submit", "value" => "Submit"]) ) ) ) ); $blockTitle = "Write a new thread"; $page->set_title(html_escape($blockTitle)); $page->set_heading(html_escape($blockTitle)); $page->add_block(new Block($blockTitle, $html, "main", 120)); } public function display_new_post_composer(Page $page, $threadID): void { global $config; $max_characters = $config->get_int('forumMaxCharsPerPost'); $html = SHM_SIMPLE_FORM( "forum/answer", INPUT(["type" => "hidden", "name" => "threadID", "value" => $threadID]), TABLE( ["style" => "width: 500px;"], TR( TD("Message:"), TD(TEXTAREA(["id" => "message", "name" => "message"])) ), TR( TD(), TD(SMALL("Max characters allowed: $max_characters.")) ), TR( TD( ["colspan" => 2], INPUT(["type" => "submit", "value" => "Submit"]) ) ) ) ); $blockTitle = "Answer to this thread"; $page->add_block(new Block($blockTitle, $html, "main", 130)); } public function display_thread($posts, $showAdminOptions, $threadTitle, $threadID, $pageNumber, $totalPages): void { global $config, $page/*, $user*/; $posts_per_page = $config->get_int('forumPostsPerPage'); $current_post = 0; $tbody = TBODY(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $current_post++; $post_number = (($pageNumber - 1) * $posts_per_page) + $current_post; $tbody->appendChild( emptyHTML( TR( ["class" => "postHead"], TD(["class" => "forumSupuser"]), TD( ["class" => "forumSupmessage"], DIV( ["class" => "deleteLink"], $showAdminOptions ? A(["href" => make_link("forum/delete/".$threadID."/".$post['id'])], "Delete") : null ) ) ), TR( ["class" => "posBody"], TD( ["class" => "forumUser"], A(["href" => make_link("user/".$post["user_name"])], $post["user_name"]), BR(), SUP(["class" => "user_rank"], $post["user_class"]), BR(), rawHTML(User::by_name($post["user_name"])->get_avatar_html()), BR() ), TD( ["class" => "forumMessage"], DIV(["class" => "postDate"], SMALL(rawHTML(autodate($post['date'])))), DIV(["class" => "postNumber"], " #".$post_number), BR(), DIV(["class" => "postMessage"], rawHTML(send_event(new TextFormattingEvent($post["message"]))->formatted)) ) ), TR( ["class" => "postFoot"], TD(["class" => "forumSubuser"]), TD(["class" => "forumSubmessage"]) ) ) ); } $html = emptyHTML( DIV( ["id" => "returnLink"], A(["href" => make_link("forum/index/")], "Return") ), BR(), BR(), TABLE( ["id" => "threadPosts", "class" => "zebra"], THEAD( TR( TH(["id" => "threadHeadUser"], "User"), TH("Message") ) ), $tbody ) ); $this->display_paginator($page, "forum/view/".$threadID, null, $pageNumber, $totalPages); $page->set_title(html_escape($threadTitle)); $page->set_heading(html_escape($threadTitle)); $page->add_block(new Block($threadTitle, $html, "main", 20)); } public function add_actions_block(Page $page, $threadID) { $html = A(["href" => make_link("forum/nuke/".$threadID)], "Delete this thread and its posts."); $page->add_block(new Block("Admin Actions", $html, "main", 140)); } private function make_thread_list($threads, $showAdminOptions): HTMLElement { global $config; $tbody = TBODY(); $html = TABLE( ["id" => "threadList", "class" => "zebra"], THEAD( TR( TH("Title"), TH("Author"), TH("Updated"), TH("Responses"), $showAdminOptions ? TH("Actions") : null ) ), $tbody ); foreach ($threads as $thread) { $titleSubString = $config->get_int('forumTitleSubString'); if ($titleSubString < strlen($thread["title"])) { $title = substr($thread["title"], 0, $titleSubString); $title = $title."..."; } else { $title = $thread["title"]; } $tbody->appendChild( TR( TD( ["class" => "left"], bool_escape($thread["sticky"]) ? "Sticky: " : "", A(["href" => make_link("forum/view/".$thread["id"])], $title) ), TD( A(["href" => make_link("user/".$thread["user_name"])], $thread["user_name"]) ), TD(rawHTML(autodate($thread["uptodate"]))), TD($thread["response_count"]), $showAdminOptions ? TD(A(["href" => make_link("forum/nuke/".$thread["id"])], "Delete")) : null ) ); } return $html; } }