page_matches("sitemap.xml")) { global $config, $page; $cache_path = data_path("cache/sitemap.xml"); if ($this->new_sitemap_needed($cache_path)) { $xml = $this->handle_full_sitemap(); file_put_contents($cache_path, $xml); } $xml = \Safe\file_get_contents($cache_path); $page->set_mode(PageMode::DATA); $page->set_mime(MimeType::XML_APPLICATION); $page->set_data($xml); } } // Full sitemap private function handle_full_sitemap(): string { global $database, $config; $urls = []; // add index $urls[] = new XMLSitemapURL( $config->get_string(SetupConfig::FRONT_PAGE), "weekly", "1", date("Y-m-d") ); /* --- Add 20 most used tags --- */ foreach ($database->get_col("SELECT tag FROM tags ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 20") as $tag) { $urls[] = new XMLSitemapURL( "post/list/$tag/1", "weekly", "0.9", date("Y-m-d") ); } /* --- Add latest images to sitemap with higher priority --- */ foreach(Search::find_images(limit: 50) as $image) { $urls[] = new XMLSitemapURL( "post/view/$image->id", "weekly", "0.8", date("Y-m-d", \Safe\strtotime($image->posted)) ); } /* --- Add other tags --- */ foreach ($database->get_col("SELECT tag FROM tags ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 21") as $tag) { $urls[] = new XMLSitemapURL( "post/list/$tag/1", "weekly", "0.7", date("Y-m-d") ); } /* --- Add all other images to sitemap with lower priority --- */ foreach(Search::find_images(offset: 51, limit: 10000) as $image) { $urls[] = new XMLSitemapURL( "post/view/$image->id", "monthly", "0.6", date("Y-m-d", \Safe\strtotime($image->posted)) ); } /* --- Display page --- */ return $this->generate_sitemap($urls); } /** * @param XMLSitemapURL[] $urls */ private function generate_sitemap(array $urls): string { $xml = "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?" . ">\n" . "\n"; foreach($urls as $url) { $link = make_http(make_link($url->url)); $xml .= " $link $url->date $url->changefreq $url->priority "; } $xml .= "\n"; return $xml; } /** * Returns true if a new sitemap is needed. */ private function new_sitemap_needed(string $cache_path): bool { if (!file_exists($cache_path)) { return true; } $sitemap_generation_interval = 86400; // allow new site map every day $last_generated_time = filemtime($cache_path); // if file doesn't exist, return true if ($last_generated_time == false) { return true; } // if it's been a day since last sitemap creation, return true return ($last_generated_time + $sitemap_generation_interval < time()); } }