$ratings * @param string[] $selected_options */ public function get_selection_rater_html(string $name = "rating", array $ratings = [], array $selected_options = []): HTMLElement { return SHM_SELECT($name, !empty($ratings) ? $ratings : Ratings::get_ratings_dict(), required: true, selected_options: $selected_options); } public function get_rater_html(int $image_id, string $rating, bool $can_rate): HTMLElement { return SHM_POST_INFO( "Rating", A(["href" => search_link(["rating=$rating"])], Ratings::rating_to_human($rating)), $can_rate ? $this->get_selection_rater_html("rating", selected_options: [$rating]) : null ); } /** * @param ImageRating[] $current_ratings */ public function display_form(array $current_ratings): void { global $page; $table = TABLE( ["class" => "form"], TR(TH("Change"), TD($this->get_selection_rater_html("rating_old", $current_ratings))), TR(TH("To"), TD($this->get_selection_rater_html("rating_new"))), TR(TD(["colspan" => "2"], SHM_SUBMIT("Update"))) ); $page->add_block(new Block("Update Ratings", SHM_SIMPLE_FORM("admin/update_ratings", $table))); } /** * @param ImageRating[] $ratings */ public function get_help_html(array $ratings): HTMLElement { $rating_rows = [TR(TH("Name"), TH("Search Term"), TH("Abbreviation"))]; foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $rating_rows[] = TR(TD($rating->name), TD($rating->search_term), TD($rating->code)); } return emptyHTML( P("Search for posts with one or more possible ratings."), SHM_COMMAND_EXAMPLE( "rating:" . $ratings[0]->search_term, "Returns posts with the " . $ratings[0]->name . " rating." ), P("Ratings can be abbreviated to a single letter as well."), SHM_COMMAND_EXAMPLE( "rating:" . $ratings[0]->code, "Returns posts with the " . $ratings[0]->name . " rating." ), P("If abbreviations are used, multiple ratings can be searched for."), SHM_COMMAND_EXAMPLE( "rating:" . $ratings[0]->code . $ratings[1]->code, "Returns posts with the " . $ratings[0]->name . " or " . $ratings[1]->name . " rating." ), P("Available ratings:"), TABLE(...$rating_rows) ); } // This wasn't being used at all /* public function get_user_options(User $user, array $selected_ratings, array $available_ratings): string { $html = "
This controls the default rating search results will be filtered by, and nothing else. To override in your search results, add rating:* to your search. | |
".SHM_SELECT("ratings", selected_options: $selected_ratings, multiple: true, options: $available_ratings)." | |