build_upload_block(), "left", 20); $b->is_content = false; $page->add_block($b); } public function display_full(Page $page): void { $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", "Disk nearly full, uploads disabled", "left", 20)); } public function display_page(Page $page): void { global $config, $page; $tl_enabled = ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE, "none") != "none"); $max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE); $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size); $max_total_size = parse_shorthand_int(ini_get('post_max_size')); $max_total_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_total_size); $upload_list = $this->build_upload_list(); $form = SHM_FORM("upload", "POST", true, "file_upload"); $form->appendChild( TABLE( ["id" => "large_upload_form", "class" => "vert"], TR( TD(["width" => "20"], rawHTML("Common Tags")), TD(["colspan" => "6"], INPUT(["name" => "tags", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "tagme", "class" => "autocomplete_tags"])) ), TR( TD(["width" => "20"], rawHTML("Common Source")), TD(["colspan" => "6"], INPUT(["name" => "source", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "https://..."])) ), $upload_list, TR( TD(["colspan" => "7"], INPUT(["id" => "uploadbutton", "type" => "submit", "value" => "Post"])) ), ) ); $html = emptyHTML( $form, SMALL( "(", $max_size > 0 ? "Per-file limit: $max_kb" : null, $max_total_size > 0 ? " / Total limit: $max_total_kb" : null, " / Current total: ", SPAN(["id" => "upload_size_tracker"], "0KB"), ")" ), rawHTML("") ); $page->set_title("Upload"); $page->set_heading("Upload"); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_block(new Block("Upload", $html, "main", 20)); if ($tl_enabled) { $page->add_block(new Block("Bookmarklets", $this->build_bookmarklets(), "left", 20)); } } protected function build_upload_list(): HTMLElement { global $config; $upload_list = emptyHTML(); $upload_count = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::COUNT); $tl_enabled = ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE, "none") != "none"); $accept = $this->get_accept(); $upload_list->appendChild( TR( TD(["colspan" => 2], "Select File"), TD($tl_enabled ? "or URL" : null), TD("Post-Specific Tags"), TD("Post-Specific Source"), ) ); for ($i = 0; $i < $upload_count; $i++) { $upload_list->appendChild( TR( TD( ["colspan" => 2, "style" => "white-space: nowrap;"], DIV([ "id" => "canceldata{$i}", "style" => "display:inline;margin-right:5px;font-size:15px;visibility:hidden;", "onclick" => "document.getElementById('data{$i}').value='';updateTracker();", ], "✖"), INPUT([ "type" => "file", "id" => "data{$i}", "name" => "data{$i}[]", "accept" => $accept, "multiple" => true, ]), ), TD( $tl_enabled ? INPUT([ "type" => "text", "name" => "url{$i}", "value" => ($i == 0) ? @$_GET['url'] : null, ]) : null ), TD( INPUT([ "type" => "text", "name" => "tags{$i}", "class" => "autocomplete_tags", "value" => ($i == 0) ? @$_GET['tags'] : null, ]) ), TD( INPUT([ "type" => "text", "name" => "source{$i}", "value" => ($i == 0) ? @$_GET['source'] : null, ]) ), ) ); } return $upload_list; } protected function build_bookmarklets(): HTMLElement { global $config; $link = make_http(make_link("upload")); $main_page = make_http(make_link()); $title = $config->get_string(SetupConfig::TITLE); $max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE); $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size); $delimiter = $config->get_bool('nice_urls') ? '?' : '&'; $js = 'javascript:( function() { if(typeof window=="undefined" || !window.location || window.location.href=="about:blank") { window.location = "'. $main_page .'"; } else if(typeof document=="undefined" || !document.body) { window.location = "'. $main_page .'?url="+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href); } else if(window.location.href.match("\/\/'. $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] .'.*")) { alert("You are already at '. $title .'!"); } else { var tags = prompt("Please enter tags", "tagme"); if(tags !== "" && tags !== null) { var link = "'. $link . $delimiter .'url="+location.href+"&tags="+tags; var w =, "_blank"); } } } )();'; $html1 = P( A(["href" => $js], "Upload to $title"), rawHTML(' (Drag & drop onto your bookmarks toolbar, then click when looking at a post)') ); // Bookmarklet checks if shimmie supports ext. If not, won't upload to site/shows alert saying not supported. $supported_ext = join(" ", DataHandlerExtension::get_all_supported_exts()); $title = "Booru to " . $config->get_string(SetupConfig::TITLE); // CA=0: Ask to use current or new tags | CA=1: Always use current tags | CA=2: Always use new tags $js = ' javascript: var ste="'. $link . $delimiter .'url="; var supext="'.$supported_ext.'"; var maxsize="'.$max_kb.'"; var CA=0; void(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src="'.make_http(get_base_href())."/ext/upload/bookmarklet.js".'") '; $html2 = P( A(["href" => $js], $title), rawHTML(" (Click when looking at a post page. Works on sites running Shimmie / Danbooru / Gelbooru. (This also grabs the tags / rating / source!))"), ); return emptyHTML($html1, $html2); } /** * Only allows 1 file to be uploaded - for replacing another image file. */ public function display_replace_page(Page $page, int $image_id) { global $config, $page; $tl_enabled = ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE, "none") != "none"); $accept = $this->get_accept(); $upload_list = emptyHTML( TR( TD("File"), TD(INPUT(["name" => "data[]", "type" => "file", "accept" => $accept])) ) ); if ($tl_enabled) { $upload_list->appendChild( TR( TD("or URL"), TD(INPUT(["name" => "url", "type" => "text", "value" => @$_GET['url']])) ) ); } $max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE); $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size); $image = Image::by_id($image_id); $thumbnail = $this->build_thumb_html($image); $form = SHM_FORM("replace/".$image_id, "POST", true); $form->appendChild(emptyHTML( TABLE( ["id" => "large_upload_form", "class" => "vert"], $upload_list, TR(TD("Source"), TD(["colspan" => 3], INPUT(["name" => "source", "type" => "text"]))), TR(TD(["colspan" => 4], INPUT(["id" => "uploadbutton", "type" => "submit", "value" => "Post"]))), ) )); $html = emptyHTML( P( "Replacing Post ID $image_id", BR(), "Please note: You will have to refresh the post page, or empty your browser cache." ), $thumbnail, BR(), $form, $max_size > 0 ? SMALL("(Max file size is $max_kb)") : null, ); $page->set_title("Replace Post"); $page->set_heading("Replace Post"); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_block(new Block("Upload Replacement Post", $html, "main", 20)); } /** * @param int[] $image_ids * @param UploadError[] $errors */ public function display_upload_status(Page $page, array $image_ids, array $errors): void { global $user; if (count($errors) > 0) { $page->set_title("Upload Status"); $page->set_heading("Upload Status"); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); foreach($errors as $error) { $message = $error->error; // this message has intentional HTML in it... $message = str_contains($message, "already has hash") ? $message : html_escape($message); $page->add_block(new Block($error->name, $message)); } } elseif (count($image_ids) == 0) { $page->set_title("No images uploaded"); $page->set_heading("No images uploaded"); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_block(new Block("No images uploaded", "Upload attempted, but nothing succeeded and nothing failed?")); } elseif (count($image_ids) == 1) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/{$image_ids[0]}")); } else { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(search_link(["poster={$user->name}"])); } } protected function build_upload_block(): HTMLElement { global $config; $accept = $this->get_accept(); $max_size = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE); $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size); $max_total_size = parse_shorthand_int(ini_get('post_max_size')) - 102400; //leave room for http request data $max_total_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_total_size); // $form = SHM_FORM("upload", "POST", true); $form->appendChild( emptyHTML( INPUT(["id" => "data[]", "name" => "data[]", "size" => "16", "type" => "file", "accept" => $accept, "multiple" => true]), INPUT(["name" => "tags", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "tagme", "class" => "autocomplete_tags", "required" => true]), INPUT(["type" => "submit", "value" => "Post"]), ) ); return DIV( ["class" => 'mini_upload'], $form, $max_size > 0 ? SMALL("(Max file size is $max_kb)") : null, $max_total_size > 0 ? SMALL(BR(), "(Max total size is $max_total_kb)") : null, NOSCRIPT(BR(), A(["href" => make_link("upload")], "Larger Form")) ); } protected function get_accept(): string { return ".".join(",.", DataHandlerExtension::get_all_supported_exts()); } }