page == "index")) { if($this->can_upload()) { $page->add_side_block(new Block("Upload", $this->build_upload_block()), 20); } } if(is_a($event, 'PageRequestEvent') && ($event->page == "upload")) { if($this->can_upload()) { global $config; global $page; $ok = true; foreach($_FILES as $file) { $ok = $ok & $this->try_upload($file); } $this->show_result($ok); } else { $page->set_title("Upload Denied"); $page->set_heading("Upload Denied"); $page->add_side_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_main_block(new Block("Error", "Anonymous posting is disabled")); } } if(is_a($event, 'SetupBuildingEvent')) { $sb = new SetupBlock("Upload"); $sb->add_int_option("upload_count", "Max uploads: "); $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("upload_size", "
Max size per file: "); $sb->add_bool_option("upload_anon", "
Allow anonymous upoads: "); $event->panel->add_main_block($sb, 10); } if(is_a($event, 'ConfigSaveEvent')) { $event->config->set_int_from_post("upload_count"); $event->config->set_int_from_post("upload_size"); $event->config->set_bool_from_post("upload_anon"); } } // }}} // do things {{{ private function can_upload() { global $config, $user; return $config->get_bool("upload_anon") || !$user->is_anonymous(); } private function try_upload($file) { global $page; global $config; $ok = false; if(!file_exists($file['tmp_name'])) { // this happens normally with blank file boxes } else if(filesize($file['tmp_name']) > $config->get_int('upload_size')) { $page->add_main_block(new Block("Error with ".html_escape($file['name']), "File too large (".filesize($file['tmp_name'])." > ". ($config->get_int('upload_size')).")")); } else if(!($info = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']))) { $page->add_main_block(new Block("Error with ".html_escape($file['name']), "PHP doesn't recognise this as an image file")); } else { $image = new Image($file['tmp_name'], $file['name'], $_POST['tags']); if($image->is_ok()) { send_event(new UploadingImageEvent($image)); $ok = true; } else { $page->add_main_block(new Block("Error with ".html_escape($file['name']), "Something is not right!")); } } return $ok; } private function show_result($ok) { global $page; if($ok) { $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("index")); } else { $page->set_title("Upload Status"); $page->set_heading("Upload Status"); $page->add_side_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_main_block(new Block("OK?", "If there are no errors here, things should be OK \\o/")); } } // }}} // HTML {{{ private function build_upload_block() { global $config; $upload_list = ""; for($i=0; $i<$config->get_int('upload_count'); $i++) { if($i == 0) $style = ""; // "style='display:visible'"; else $style = "style='display:none'"; $upload_list .= "\n"; } $max_size = $config->get_int('upload_size'); $max_kb = (int)($max_size / 1024); // return "
(Max file size is {$max_kb}KB)
"; } // }}} } add_event_listener(new Upload()); ?>