get_string(SetupConfig::THEME, "default");
if (!file_exists("themes/$theme")) {
$theme = "default";
return $theme;
function contact_link(): ?string
global $config;
$text = $config->get_string('contact_link');
if (is_null($text)) {
return null;
if (
str_starts_with($text, "http:") ||
str_starts_with($text, "https:") ||
str_starts_with($text, "mailto:")
) {
return $text;
if (str_contains($text, "@")) {
return "mailto:$text";
if (str_contains($text, "/")) {
return "http://$text";
return $text;
* Check if HTTPS is enabled for the server.
function is_https_enabled(): bool
// check forwarded protocol
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off');
* Compare two Block objects, used to sort them before being displayed
function blockcmp(Block $a, Block $b): int
if ($a->position == $b->position) {
return 0;
} else {
return ($a->position > $b->position) ? 1 : -1;
* Figure out PHP's internal memory limit
function get_memory_limit(): int
global $config;
// thumbnail generation requires lots of memory
$default_limit = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8 MB of memory is PHP's default.
$shimmie_limit = $config->get_int(MediaConfig::MEM_LIMIT);
if ($shimmie_limit < 3 * 1024 * 1024) {
// we aren't going to fit, override
$shimmie_limit = $default_limit;
Get PHP's configured memory limit.
Note that this is set to -1 for NO memory limit.
$memory = parse_shorthand_int(ini_get("memory_limit"));
if ($memory == -1) {
// No memory limit.
// Return the larger of the set limits.
return max($shimmie_limit, $default_limit);
} else {
// PHP has a memory limit set.
if ($shimmie_limit > $memory) {
// Shimmie wants more memory than what PHP is currently set for.
// Attempt to set PHP's memory limit.
if (ini_set("memory_limit", "$shimmie_limit") === false) {
/* We can't change PHP's limit, oh well, return whatever its currently set to */
return $memory;
$memory = parse_shorthand_int(ini_get("memory_limit"));
// PHP's memory limit is more than Shimmie needs.
return $memory; // return the current setting
* Check if PHP has the GD library installed
function check_gd_version(): int
$gdversion = 0;
if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
$gd_info = gd_info();
if (substr_count($gd_info['GD Version'], '2.')) {
$gdversion = 2;
} elseif (substr_count($gd_info['GD Version'], '1.')) {
$gdversion = 1;
return $gdversion;
* Check whether ImageMagick's `convert` command
* is installed and working
function check_im_version(): int
$convert_check = exec("convert");
return (empty($convert_check) ? 0 : 1);
* Get request IP
function get_remote_addr()
* Get real IP if behind a reverse proxy
function get_real_ip()
$ip = get_remote_addr();
$ip = "";
return $ip;
* Get the currently active IP, masked to make it not change when the last
* octet or two change, for use in session cookies and such
function get_session_ip(Config $config): string
$mask = $config->get_string("session_hash_mask", "");
$addr = get_real_ip();
$addr = inet_ntop(inet_pton($addr) & inet_pton($mask));
return $addr;
* A shorthand way to send a TextFormattingEvent and get the results.
function format_text(string $string): string
$event = send_event(new TextFormattingEvent($string));
return $event->formatted;
* Generates the path to a file under the data folder based on the file's hash.
* This process creates subfolders based on octet pairs from the file's hash.
* The calculated folder follows this pattern data/$base/octet_pairs/$hash
* @param string $base
* @param string $hash
* @param bool $create
* @param int $splits The number of octet pairs to split the hash into. Caps out at strlen($hash)/2.
* @return string
function warehouse_path(string $base, string $hash, bool $create = true, int $splits = WH_SPLITS): string
$dirs = [DATA_DIR, $base];
$splits = min($splits, strlen($hash) / 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < $splits; $i++) {
$dirs[] = substr($hash, $i * 2, 2);
$dirs[] = $hash;
$pa = join_path(...$dirs);
if ($create && !file_exists(dirname($pa))) {
mkdir(dirname($pa), 0755, true);
return $pa;
* Determines the path to the specified file in the data folder.
function data_path(string $filename, bool $create = true): string
$filename = join_path("data", $filename);
if ($create && !file_exists(dirname($filename))) {
mkdir(dirname($filename), 0755, true);
return $filename;
function load_balance_url(string $tmpl, string $hash, int $n = 0): string
static $flexihashes = [];
$matches = [];
if (preg_match("/(.*){(.*)}(.*)/", $tmpl, $matches)) {
$pre = $matches[1];
$opts = $matches[2];
$post = $matches[3];
if (isset($flexihashes[$opts])) {
$flexihash = $flexihashes[$opts];
} else {
$flexihash = new \Flexihash\Flexihash();
foreach (explode(",", $opts) as $opt) {
$parts = explode("=", $opt);
$parts_count = count($parts);
$opt_val = "";
$opt_weight = 0;
if ($parts_count === 2) {
$opt_val = $parts[0];
$opt_weight = (int)$parts[1];
} elseif ($parts_count === 1) {
$opt_val = $parts[0];
$opt_weight = 1;
$flexihash->addTarget($opt_val, $opt_weight);
$flexihashes[$opts] = $flexihash;
// $choice = $flexihash->lookup($pre.$post);
$choices = $flexihash->lookupList($hash, $n + 1); // hash doesn't change
$choice = $choices[$n];
$tmpl = $pre . $choice . $post;
return $tmpl;
function fetch_url(string $url, string $mfile): ?array
global $config;
if ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE) === "curl" && function_exists("curl_init")) {
$ch = curl_init($url);
$fp = fopen($mfile, "w");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Shimmie-".VERSION);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ($response === false) {
return null;
$header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
$headers = http_parse_headers(implode("\n", preg_split('/\R/', rtrim(substr($response, 0, $header_size)))));
$body = substr($response, $header_size);
fwrite($fp, $body);
return $headers;
if ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE) === "wget") {
$s_url = escapeshellarg($url);
$s_mfile = escapeshellarg($mfile);
system("wget --no-check-certificate $s_url --output-document=$s_mfile");
return file_exists($mfile) ? ["ok" => "true"] : null;
if ($config->get_string(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE) === "fopen") {
$fp_in = @fopen($url, "r");
$fp_out = fopen($mfile, "w");
if (!$fp_in || !$fp_out) {
return null;
$length = 0;
while (!feof($fp_in) && $length <= $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE)) {
$data = fread($fp_in, 8192);
$length += strlen($data);
fwrite($fp_out, $data);
$headers = http_parse_headers(implode("\n", $http_response_header));
return $headers;
return null;
function path_to_tags(string $path): string
$matches = [];
$tags = [];
if (preg_match("/\d+ - (.+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/", basename($path), $matches)) {
$tags = explode(" ", $matches[1]);
$path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
$path = str_replace(";", ":", $path);
$path = str_replace("__", " ", $path);
$path = dirname($path);
if ($path == "\\" || $path == "/" || $path == ".") {
$path = "";
$category = "";
foreach (explode("/", $path) as $dir) {
$category_to_inherit = "";
foreach (explode(" ", $dir) as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if ($tag == "") {
if (substr_compare($tag, ":", -1) === 0) {
// This indicates a tag that ends in a colon,
// which is for inheriting to tags on the subfolder
$category_to_inherit = $tag;
} else {
if ($category != "" && !str_contains($tag, ":")) {
// This indicates that category inheritance is active,
// and we've encountered a tag that does not specify a category.
// So we attach the inherited category to the tag.
$tag = $category.$tag;
$tags[] = $tag;
// Category inheritance only works on the immediate subfolder,
// so we hold a category until the next iteration, and then set
// it back to an empty string after that iteration
$category = $category_to_inherit;
return implode(" ", $tags);
function get_dir_contents(string $dir): array
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
return [];
return array_diff(
['..', '.']
function remove_empty_dirs(string $dir): bool
$result = true;
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
return false;
$items = array_diff(
['..', '.']
foreach ($items as $item) {
$path = join_path($dir, $item);
if (is_dir($path)) {
$result = $result && remove_empty_dirs($path);
} else {
$result = false;
if ($result === true) {
$result = rmdir($dir);
return $result;
function get_files_recursively(string $dir): array
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
return [];
$things = array_diff(
['..', '.']
$output = [];
foreach ($things as $thing) {
$path = join_path($dir, $thing);
if (is_file($path)) {
$output[] = $path;
} else {
$output = array_merge($output, get_files_recursively($path));
return $output;
* Returns amount of files & total size of dir.
function scan_dir(string $path): array
$bytestotal = 0;
$nbfiles = 0;
$ite = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(
\FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME |
\FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO |
foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($ite) as $filename => $cur) {
try {
$filesize = $cur->getSize();
$bytestotal += $filesize;
} catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
// This usually just means that the file got eaten by the import
$size_mb = $bytestotal / 1048576; // to mb
$size_mb = number_format($size_mb, 2, '.', '');
return ['path' => $path, 'total_files' => $nbfiles, 'total_mb' => $size_mb];
* because microtime() returns string|float, and we only ever want float
function ftime(): float
return (float)microtime(true);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
* Debugging functions *
\* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
$_shm_load_start = ftime();
* Collects some debug information (execution time, memory usage, queries, etc)
* and formats it to stick in the footer of the page.
function get_debug_info(): string
$d = get_debug_info_arr();
$debug = "
Took {$d['time']} seconds (db:{$d['dbtime']}) and {$d['mem_mb']}MB of RAM";
$debug .= "; Used {$d['files']} files and {$d['query_count']} queries";
$debug .= "; Sent {$d['event_count']} events";
$debug .= "; {$d['cache_hits']} cache hits and {$d['cache_misses']} misses";
$debug .= "; Shimmie version {$d['version']}";
return $debug;
function get_debug_info_arr(): array
global $cache, $config, $_shm_event_count, $database, $_shm_load_start;
if ($config->get_string("commit_hash", "unknown") == "unknown") {
$commit = "";
} else {
$commit = " (".$config->get_string("commit_hash").")";
return [
"time" => round(ftime() - $_shm_load_start, 2),
"dbtime" => round($database->dbtime, 2),
"mem_mb" => round(((memory_get_peak_usage(true) + 512) / 1024) / 1024, 2),
"files" => count(get_included_files()),
"query_count" => $database->query_count,
// "query_log" => $database->queries,
"event_count" => $_shm_event_count,
"cache_hits" => $cache->get("__etc_cache_hits"),
"cache_misses" => $cache->get("__etc_cache_misses"),
"version" => VERSION . $commit,
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
* Request initialisation stuff *
\* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
function require_all(array $files): void
foreach ($files as $filename) {
require_once $filename;
function _load_core_files()
function _load_extension_files()
function _load_theme_files()
$theme = get_theme();
function _set_up_shimmie_environment(): void
global $tracer_enabled;
if (file_exists("images") && !file_exists("data/images")) {
die_nicely("Upgrade error", "As of Shimmie 2.7 images and thumbs should be moved to data/images and data/thumbs");
if (DEBUG) {
// The trace system has a certain amount of memory consumption every time it is used,
// so to prevent running out of memory during complex operations code that uses it should
// check if tracer output is enabled before making use of it.
$tracer_enabled = constant('TRACE_FILE') !== null;
* Used to display fatal errors to the web user.
function _fatal_error(\Exception $e): void
$version = VERSION;
$message = $e->getMessage();
$phpver = phpversion();
$query = is_subclass_of($e, "Shimmie2\SCoreException") ? $e->query : null;
$code = is_subclass_of($e, "Shimmie2\SCoreException") ? $e->http_code : 500;
//$hash = exec("git rev-parse HEAD");
//$h_hash = $hash ? "
Hash: $hash" : ""; //'.$h_hash.' if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI == 'phpdbg') { print("Trace: "); $t = array_reverse($e->getTrace()); foreach ($t as $n => $f) { $c = $f['class'] ?? ''; $t = $f['type'] ?? ''; $a = implode(", ", array_map("Shimmie2\stringer", $f['args'] ?? [])); print("$n: {$f['file']}({$f['line']}): {$c}{$t}{$f['function']}({$a})\n"); } print("Message: $message\n"); if ($query) { print("Query: {$query}\n"); } print("Version: $version (on $phpver)\n"); } else { $q = $query ? "" : "
Query: " . html_escape($query); if ($code >= 500) { error_log("Shimmie Error: $message (Query: $query)\n{$e->getTraceAsString()}"); } header("HTTP/1.0 $code Error"); echo '
Message: '.html_escape($message).' '.$q.'
Version: '.$version.' (on '.$phpver.')
Stack Trace:
'.$e->getTraceAsString().''; } } function _get_user(): User { global $config, $page; $my_user = null; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { $parts = explode(" ", $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 2); if (count($parts) == 2 && $parts[0] == "Bearer") { $parts = explode(":", $parts[1], 2); if (count($parts) == 2) { $my_user = User::by_session($parts[0], $parts[1]); } } } if ($page->get_cookie("user") && $page->get_cookie("session")) { $my_user = User::by_session($page->get_cookie("user"), $page->get_cookie("session")); } if (is_null($my_user)) { $my_user = User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0)); } assert(!is_null($my_user)); return $my_user; } function _get_query(): string { return (@$_POST["q"] ?: @$_GET["q"]) ?: "/"; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * HTML Generation * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Give a HTML string which shows an IP (if the user is allowed to see IPs), * and a link to ban that IP (if the user is allowed to ban IPs) * * FIXME: also check that IP ban ext is installed */ function show_ip(string $ip, string $ban_reason): string { global $user; $u_reason = url_escape($ban_reason); $u_end = url_escape("+1 week"); $ban = $user->can(Permissions::BAN_IP) ? ", Ban" : ""; $ip = $user->can(Permissions::VIEW_IP) ? $ip.$ban : ""; return $ip; } /** * Make a form tag with relevant auth token and stuff */ function make_form(string $target, string $method = "POST", bool $multipart = false, string $form_id = "", string $onsubmit = ""): string { global $user; if ($method == "GET") { $link = html_escape($target); $target = make_link($target); $extra_inputs = ""; } else { $extra_inputs = $user->get_auth_html(); } $extra = empty($form_id) ? '' : 'id="'. $form_id .'"'; if ($multipart) { $extra .= " enctype='multipart/form-data'"; } if ($onsubmit) { $extra .= ' onsubmit="'.$onsubmit.'"'; } return '