*/ #[Type(name: "Post")] class Image implements \ArrayAccess { public const IMAGE_DIR = "images"; public const THUMBNAIL_DIR = "thumbs"; public ?int $id = null; #[Field] public int $height = 0; #[Field] public int $width = 0; #[Field] public string $hash; #[Field] public int $filesize; #[Field] public string $filename; #[Field] private string $ext; private string $mime; /** @var ?string[] */ public ?array $tag_array; public int $owner_id; public string $owner_ip; #[Field] public string $posted; #[Field] public ?string $source = null; #[Field] public bool $locked = false; public ?bool $lossless = null; public ?bool $video = null; public ?string $video_codec = null; public ?bool $image = null; public ?bool $audio = null; public ?int $length = null; public ?string $tmp_file = null; /** @var array */ public static array $prop_types = []; /** @var array */ private array $dynamic_props = []; /** * One will very rarely construct an image directly, more common * would be to use Image::by_id, Image::by_hash, etc. * * @param array|null $row */ public function __construct(?array $row = null) { if (!is_null($row)) { foreach ($row as $name => $value) { // some databases return both key=>value and numeric indices, // we only want the key=>value ones if (is_numeric($name)) { continue; } elseif(property_exists($this, $name)) { $t = (new \ReflectionProperty($this, $name))->getType(); assert(!is_null($t)); if(is_a($t, \ReflectionNamedType::class)) { $this->$name = match($t->getName()) { "int" => is_null($value) ? $value : int_escape((string)$value), "bool" => is_null($value) ? $value : bool_escape((string)$value), "string" => (string)$value, default => $value, }; } } elseif(array_key_exists($name, static::$prop_types)) { if (is_null($value)) { $value = null; } else { $value = match(static::$prop_types[$name]) { ImagePropType::BOOL => bool_escape((string)$value), ImagePropType::INT => int_escape((string)$value), ImagePropType::STRING => (string)$value, }; } $this->dynamic_props[$name] = $value; } else { // Database table has a column we don't know about, // it isn't static and it isn't a known prop_type - // maybe from an old extension that has since been // disabled? Just ignore it. if(defined('UNITTEST')) { throw new \Exception("Unknown column $name in images table"); } } } } } public function offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool { assert(is_string($offset)); return array_key_exists($offset, static::$prop_types); } public function offsetGet(mixed $offset): mixed { assert(is_string($offset)); if(!$this->offsetExists($offset)) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Undefined dynamic property: $offset"); } return $this->dynamic_props[$offset] ?? null; } public function offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): void { assert(is_string($offset)); $this->dynamic_props[$offset] = $value; } public function offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void { assert(is_string($offset)); unset($this->dynamic_props[$offset]); } #[Field(name: "post_id")] public function graphql_oid(): int { assert(!is_null($this->id)); return $this->id; } #[Field(name: "id")] public function graphql_guid(): string { return "post:{$this->id}"; } #[Query(name: "post")] public static function by_id(int $post_id): ?Image { global $database; if ($post_id > 2 ** 32) { // for some reason bots query huge numbers and pollute the DB error logs... return null; } $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM images WHERE images.id=:id", ["id" => $post_id]); return ($row ? new Image($row) : null); } public static function by_hash(string $hash): ?Image { global $database; $hash = strtolower($hash); $row = $database->get_row("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE hash=:hash", ["hash" => $hash]); return ($row ? new Image($row) : null); } public static function by_id_or_hash(string $id): ?Image { return (is_numberish($id) && strlen($id) != 32) ? Image::by_id((int)$id) : Image::by_hash($id); } /** * @param string[] $tags */ public static function by_random(array $tags = [], int $limit_range = 0): ?Image { $max = Search::count_images($tags); if ($max < 1) { return null; } // From Issue #22 - opened by HungryFeline on May 30, 2011. if ($limit_range > 0 && $max > $limit_range) { $max = $limit_range; } $rand = mt_rand(0, $max - 1); $set = Search::find_images($rand, 1, $tags); if (count($set) > 0) { return $set[0]; } else { return null; } } /* * Accessors & mutators */ /** * Find the next image in the sequence. * * Rather than simply $this_id + 1, one must take into account * deleted images and search queries * * @param string[] $tags */ public function get_next(array $tags = [], bool $next = true): ?Image { global $database; if ($next) { $gtlt = "<"; $dir = "DESC"; } else { $gtlt = ">"; $dir = "ASC"; } $tags[] = 'id'. $gtlt . $this->id; $tags[] = 'order:id_'. strtolower($dir); $images = Search::find_images(0, 1, $tags); return (count($images) > 0) ? $images[0] : null; } /** * The reverse of get_next * * @param string[] $tags */ public function get_prev(array $tags = []): ?Image { return $this->get_next($tags, false); } /** * Find the User who owns this Image */ #[Field(name: "owner")] public function get_owner(): User { $user = User::by_id($this->owner_id); assert(!is_null($user)); return $user; } /** * Set the image's owner. */ public function set_owner(User $owner): void { global $database; if ($owner->id != $this->owner_id) { $database->execute(" UPDATE images SET owner_id=:owner_id WHERE id=:id ", ["owner_id" => $owner->id, "id" => $this->id]); log_info("core_image", "Owner for Post #{$this->id} set to {$owner->name}"); } } public function save_to_db(): void { global $database, $user; $props_to_save = [ "filename" => substr($this->filename, 0, 255), "filesize" => $this->filesize, "hash" => $this->hash, "mime" => strtolower($this->mime), "ext" => strtolower($this->ext), "source" => $this->source, "width" => $this->width, "height" => $this->height, "lossless" => $this->lossless, "video" => $this->video, "video_codec" => $this->video_codec, "image" => $this->image, "audio" => $this->audio, "length" => $this->length ]; if (is_null($this->id)) { $props_to_save["owner_id"] = $user->id; $props_to_save["owner_ip"] = get_real_ip(); $props_to_save["posted"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $props_sql = implode(", ", array_keys($props_to_save)); $vals_sql = implode(", ", array_map(fn ($prop) => ":$prop", array_keys($props_to_save))); $database->execute( "INSERT INTO images($props_sql) VALUES ($vals_sql)", $props_to_save, ); $this->id = $database->get_last_insert_id('images_id_seq'); } else { $props_sql = implode(", ", array_map(fn ($prop) => "$prop = :$prop", array_keys($props_to_save))); $database->execute( "UPDATE images SET $props_sql WHERE id = :id", array_merge( $props_to_save, ["id" => $this->id] ) ); } // For the future: automatically save dynamic props instead of // requiring each extension to do it manually. /* $props_sql = "UPDATE images SET "; $props_sql .= implode(", ", array_map(fn ($prop) => "$prop = :$prop", array_keys($this->dynamic_props))); $props_sql .= " WHERE id = :id"; $database->execute($props_sql, array_merge($this->dynamic_props, ["id" => $this->id])); */ } /** * Get this image's tags as an array. * * @return string[] */ #[Field(name: "tags", type: "[string!]!")] public function get_tag_array(): array { global $database; if (!isset($this->tag_array)) { $this->tag_array = $database->get_col(" SELECT tag FROM image_tags JOIN tags ON image_tags.tag_id = tags.id WHERE image_id=:id ORDER BY tag ", ["id" => $this->id]); sort($this->tag_array); } return $this->tag_array; } /** * Get this image's tags as a string. */ public function get_tag_list(): string { return Tag::implode($this->get_tag_array()); } /** * Get the URL for the full size image */ #[Field(name: "image_link")] public function get_image_link(): string { return $this->get_link(ImageConfig::ILINK, '_images/$hash/$id%20-%20$tags.$ext', 'image/$id.$ext'); } /** * Get the nicely formatted version of the file name */ #[Field(name: "nice_name")] public function get_nice_image_name(): string { return send_event(new ParseLinkTemplateEvent('$id - $tags.$ext', $this))->text; } /** * Get the URL for the thumbnail */ #[Field(name: "thumb_link")] public function get_thumb_link(): string { global $config; $mime = $config->get_string(ImageConfig::THUMB_MIME); $ext = FileExtension::get_for_mime($mime); return $this->get_link(ImageConfig::TLINK, '_thumbs/$hash/thumb.'.$ext, 'thumb/$id.'.$ext); } /** * Check configured template for a link, then try nice URL, then plain URL */ private function get_link(string $template, string $nice, string $plain): string { global $config; $image_link = $config->get_string($template); if (!empty($image_link)) { if (!str_contains($image_link, "://") && !str_starts_with($image_link, "/")) { $image_link = make_link($image_link); } $chosen = $image_link; } elseif ($config->get_bool('nice_urls', false)) { $chosen = make_link($nice); } else { $chosen = make_link($plain); } return $this->parse_link_template($chosen); } /** * Get the tooltip for this image, formatted according to the * configured template. */ #[Field(name: "tooltip")] public function get_tooltip(): string { global $config; return send_event(new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($config->get_string(ImageConfig::TIP), $this))->text; } /** * Get the info for this image, formatted according to the * configured template. */ #[Field(name: "info")] public function get_info(): string { global $config; return send_event(new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($config->get_string(ImageConfig::INFO), $this))->text; } /** * Figure out where the full size image is on disk. */ public function get_image_filename(): string { if(!is_null($this->tmp_file)) { return $this->tmp_file; } return warehouse_path(self::IMAGE_DIR, $this->hash); } /** * Figure out where the thumbnail is on disk. */ public function get_thumb_filename(): string { return warehouse_path(self::THUMBNAIL_DIR, $this->hash); } /** * Get the original filename. */ #[Field(name: "filename")] public function get_filename(): string { return $this->filename; } /** * Get the image's extension. */ #[Field(name: "ext")] public function get_ext(): string { return $this->ext; } /** * Get the image's mime type. */ #[Field(name: "mime")] public function get_mime(): string { if ($this->mime === MimeType::WEBP && $this->lossless) { return MimeType::WEBP_LOSSLESS; } return strtolower($this->mime); } /** * Set the image's mime type. */ public function set_mime(string $mime): void { $this->mime = $mime; $ext = FileExtension::get_for_mime($this->get_mime()); assert($ext !== null); $this->ext = $ext; } /** * Get the image's source URL */ public function get_source(): ?string { return $this->source; } /** * Set the image's source URL */ public function set_source(string $new_source): void { global $database; $old_source = $this->source; if (empty($new_source)) { $new_source = null; } if ($new_source != $old_source) { $database->execute("UPDATE images SET source=:source WHERE id=:id", ["source" => $new_source, "id" => $this->id]); log_info("core_image", "Source for Post #{$this->id} set to: $new_source (was $old_source)"); } } /** * Check if the image is locked. */ public function is_locked(): bool { return $this->locked; } public function set_locked(bool $locked): void { global $database; if ($locked !== $this->locked) { $database->execute("UPDATE images SET locked=:yn WHERE id=:id", ["yn" => $locked, "id" => $this->id]); $s = $locked ? "locked" : "unlocked"; log_info("core_image", "Setting Post #{$this->id} to $s"); } } /** * Delete all tags from this image. * * Normally in preparation to set them to a new set. */ public function delete_tags_from_image(): void { global $database; $database->execute(" UPDATE tags SET count = count - 1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT tag_id FROM image_tags WHERE image_id = :id ) ", ["id" => $this->id]); $database->execute(" DELETE FROM image_tags WHERE image_id=:id ", ["id" => $this->id]); } /** * Set the tags for this image. * * @param string[] $unfiltered_tags */ public function set_tags(array $unfiltered_tags): void { global $cache, $database, $page; $tags = array_unique($unfiltered_tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (mb_strlen($tag, 'UTF-8') > 255) { throw new TagSetException("Can't set a tag longer than 255 characters"); } if (str_starts_with($tag, "-")) { throw new TagSetException("Can't set a tag which starts with a minus"); } if (str_contains($tag, "*")) { throw new TagSetException("Can't set a tag which contains a wildcard (*)"); } } if (count($tags) <= 0) { throw new TagSetException('Tried to set zero tags'); } if (strtolower(Tag::implode($tags)) != strtolower($this->get_tag_list())) { // delete old $this->delete_tags_from_image(); // insert each new tags $ids = array_map(fn ($tag) => Tag::get_or_create_id($tag), $tags); $values = implode(", ", array_map(fn ($id) => "({$this->id}, $id)", $ids)); $database->execute("INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tag_id) VALUES $values"); $database->execute(" UPDATE tags SET count = count + 1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT tag_id FROM image_tags WHERE image_id = :id ) ", ["id" => $this->id]); log_info("core_image", "Tags for Post #{$this->id} set to: ".Tag::implode($tags)); $cache->delete("image-{$this->id}-tags"); } } /** * Delete this image from the database and disk */ public function delete(): void { global $database; $this->delete_tags_from_image(); $database->execute("DELETE FROM images WHERE id=:id", ["id" => $this->id]); log_info("core_image", 'Deleted Post #'.$this->id.' ('.$this->hash.')'); $this->remove_image_only(quiet: true); } /** * This function removes an image (and thumbnail) from the DISK ONLY. * It DOES NOT remove anything from the database. */ public function remove_image_only(bool $quiet = false): void { $img_del = @unlink($this->get_image_filename()); $thumb_del = @unlink($this->get_thumb_filename()); if($img_del && $thumb_del) { if(!$quiet) { log_info("core_image", "Deleted files for Post #{$this->id} ({$this->hash})"); } } else { $img = $img_del ? '' : ' image'; $thumb = $thumb_del ? '' : ' thumbnail'; log_error('core_image', "Failed to delete files for Post #{$this->id}{$img}{$thumb}"); } } public function parse_link_template(string $tmpl, int $n = 0): string { $plte = send_event(new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($tmpl, $this)); $tmpl = $plte->link; return load_balance_url($tmpl, $this->hash, $n); } }