by tag, eg
- cat
- pie
- somethi* -- wildcards are supported
size (=, <, >, <=, >=) width x height, eg
- size=1024x768 -- a specific wallpaper size
- size>=500x500 -- no small images
- size<1000x1000 -- no large images
width (=, <, >, <=, >=) width, eg
- width=1024 -- find images with 1024 width
- width>2000 -- find images bigger than 2000 width
height (=, <, >, <=, >=) height, eg
- height=768 -- find images with 768 height
- height>1000 -- find images bigger than 1000 height
ratio (=, <, >, <=, >=) width : height, eg
- ratio=4:3, ratio=16:9 -- standard wallpaper
- ratio=1:1 -- square images
- ratio<1:1 -- tall images
- ratio>1:1 -- wide images
filesize (=, <, >, <=, >=) size, eg
- filesize>1024 -- no images under 1KB
- filesize<=3MB -- shorthand filesizes are supported too
id (=, <, >, <=, >=) number, eg
- id<20 -- search only the first few images
- id>=500 -- search later images
user=Username & poster=Username, eg
- user=Shish -- find all of Shish's posts
- poster=Shish -- same as above
user_id=userID & poster_id=userID, eg
- user_id=2 -- find all posts by user id 2
- poster_id=2 -- same as above
hash=md5sum & md5=md5sum, eg
- hash=bf5b59173f16b6937a4021713dbfaa72 -- find the \"Taiga want up!\" image
- md5=bf5b59173f16b6937a4021713dbfaa72 -- same as above
filetype=type & ext=type, eg
- filetype=png -- find all PNG images
- ext=png -- same as above
filename=blah & name=blah, eg
- filename=kitten -- find all images with \"kitten\" in the original filename
- name=kitten -- same as above
posted (=, <, >, <=, >=) date, eg
- posted>=2009-12-25 posted<=2010-01-01 -- find images posted between christmas and new year
tags (=, <, >, <=, >=) count, eg
- tags=1 -- search for images with only 1 tag
- tags>=10 -- search for images with 10 or more tags
- tags<25 -- search for images with less than 25 tags
source=(URL, any, none) eg
- source= -- find all images with \"\" in the source
- source=any -- find all images with a source
- source=none -- find all images without a source
order=(id, width, height, filesize, filename)_(ASC, DESC), eg
- order=width -- find all images sorted from highest > lowest width
- order=filesize_asc -- find all images sorted from lowest > highest filesize
order=random_####, eg
- order=random_8547 -- find all images sorted randomly using 8547 as a seed
Search items can be combined to search for images which match both,
or you can stick \"-\" in front of an item to search for things that don't
match it.
Metatags can be followed by \":\" rather than \"=\" if you prefer.
I.E: \"posted:2014-01-01\", \"id:>=500\" etc.
Some search methods provided by extensions:
- Numeric Score
- score (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- seach by score
- upvoted_by=Username -- search for a user's likes
- downvoted_by=Username -- search for a user's dislikes
- upvoted_by_id=UserID -- search for a user's likes by user ID
- downvoted_by_id=UserID -- search for a user's dislikes by user ID
- order=score_(ASC, DESC) -- find all images sorted from by score
- Image Rating
- rating=se -- find safe and explicit images, ignore questionable and unknown
- Favorites
- favorites (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search for images favourited a certain number of times
- favourited_by=Username -- search for a user's choices by username
- favorited_by_userno=UserID -- search for a user's choice by userID
- Notes
- notes (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search by the number of notes an image has
- notes_by=Username -- search for images containing notes created by username
- notes_by_userno=UserID -- search for images containing notes created by userID
- Artists
- author=ArtistName -- search for images by artist
- Image Comments
- comments (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search for images by number of comments
- commented_by=Username -- search for images containing user's comments by username
- commented_by_userno=UserID -- search for images containing user's comments by userID
- Pools
- pool=(PoolID, any, none) -- search for images in a pool by PoolID.
- pool_by_name=PoolName -- search for images in a pool by PoolName. underscores are replaced with spaces
- Post Relationships
- parent=(parentID, any, none) -- search for images by parentID / if they have, do not have a parent
- child=(any, none) -- search for images which have, or do not have children