set_code($code); $page->set_title($title); $page->set_heading($title); $has_nav = false; foreach ($page->blocks as $block) { if ($block->header == "Navigation") { $has_nav = true; break; } } if (!$has_nav) { $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); } $page->add_block(new Block("Error", $message)); } /** * A specific, common error message */ public function display_permission_denied(): void { $this->display_error(403, "Permission Denied", "You do not have permission to access this page"); } /** * Generic thumbnail code; returns HTML rather than adding * a block since thumbs tend to go inside blocks... */ public function build_thumb_html(Image $image): HTMLElement { global $config; $id = $image->id; $view_link = make_link('post/view/'.$id); $thumb_link = $image->get_thumb_link(); $tip = $image->get_tooltip(); $tags = strtolower($image->get_tag_list()); // TODO: Set up a function for fetching what kind of files are currently thumbnailable $mimeArr = array_flip([MimeType::MP3]); //List of thumbless filetypes if (!isset($mimeArr[$image->get_mime()])) { $tsize = get_thumbnail_size($image->width, $image->height); } else { //Use max thumbnail size if using thumbless filetype $tsize = get_thumbnail_size($config->get_int(ImageConfig::THUMB_WIDTH), $config->get_int(ImageConfig::THUMB_WIDTH)); } $custom_classes = ""; if (class_exists("Shimmie2\Relationships")) { if (property_exists($image, 'parent_id') && $image->parent_id !== null) { $custom_classes .= "shm-thumb-has_parent "; } if (property_exists($image, 'has_children') && bool_escape($image->has_children)) { $custom_classes .= "shm-thumb-has_child "; } } return A( [ "href"=>$view_link, "class"=>"thumb shm-thumb shm-thumb-link $custom_classes", "data-tags"=>$tags, "data-height"=>$image->height, "data-width"=>$image->width, "data-mime"=>$image->get_mime(), "data-post-id"=>$id, ], IMG( [ "id"=>"thumb_$id", "title"=>$tip, "alt"=>$tip, "height"=>$tsize[1], "width"=>$tsize[0], "src"=>$thumb_link, ] ) ); } public function display_paginator(Page $page, string $base, ?string $query, int $page_number, int $total_pages, bool $show_random = false) { if ($total_pages == 0) { $total_pages = 1; } $body = $this->build_paginator($page_number, $total_pages, $base, $query, $show_random); $page->add_block(new Block(null, $body, "main", 90, "paginator")); $page->add_html_header(""); if ($page_number < $total_pages) { $page->add_html_header(""); $page->add_html_header(""); } if ($page_number > 1) { $page->add_html_header(""); } $page->add_html_header(""); } private function gen_page_link(string $base_url, ?string $query, int $page, string $name): HTMLElement { return A(["href"=>make_link($base_url.'/'.$page, $query)], $name); } private function gen_page_link_block(string $base_url, ?string $query, int $page, int $current_page, string $name): HTMLElement { $paginator = $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $page, $name); if ($page == $current_page) { $paginator = B($paginator); } return $paginator; } private function build_paginator(int $current_page, int $total_pages, string $base_url, ?string $query, bool $show_random): HTMLElement { $next = $current_page + 1; $prev = $current_page - 1; $at_start = ($current_page <= 1 || $total_pages <= 1); $at_end = ($current_page >= $total_pages); $first_html = $at_start ? "First" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, 1, "First"); $prev_html = $at_start ? "Prev" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $prev, "Prev"); $random_html = "-"; if ($show_random) { $rand = mt_rand(1, $total_pages); $random_html = $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $rand, "Random"); } $next_html = $at_end ? "Next" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $next, "Next"); $last_html = $at_end ? "Last" : $this->gen_page_link($base_url, $query, $total_pages, "Last"); $start = max($current_page - 5, 1); $end = min($start + 10, $total_pages); $pages = []; foreach (range($start, $end) as $i) { $pages[] = $this->gen_page_link_block($base_url, $query, $i, $current_page, (string)$i); } $pages_html = joinHTML(" | ", $pages); return emptyHTML( joinHTML(" | ", [ $first_html, $prev_html, $random_html, $next_html, $last_html, ]), BR(), '<< ', $pages_html, ' >>' ); } }