#!/bin/env php $value) { if (strpos($key, 'PHP_INI_') === 0) { $php_ini_key = strtolower(substr($key, 8)); $php_ini[$php_ini_key] = $value; } } // deprecated one-off special configs $php_ini['max_file_uploads'] ??= getenv('MAX_FILE_UPLOADS') ?: "100"; $php_ini['upload_max_filesize'] ??= getenv('UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE') ?: '100M'; // this one needs to be calculated for the web server itself $php_ini['post_max_size'] ??= (string)( ini_parse_quantity($php_ini['upload_max_filesize']) * intval($php_ini['max_file_uploads']) ); // Generate a config file for whatever web server we are using today $config = [ "listeners" => [ "*:8000" => [ "pass" => "routes", "forwarded" => [ "client_ip" => "X-Forwarded-For", "recursive" => false, "source" => [ "" ] ] ] ], "routes" => [ [ "match" => [ "uri" => "~/_(thumbs|images)/.*" ], "action" => [ "share" => [ '`/app/data/${uri.replace(/_(thumbs|images)\\/(..)(..)(.*?)\\/.*/, "$1/$2/$3/$2$3$4")}`', '`/app/data/${uri.replace(/_(thumbs|images)\\/(..)(.*?)\\/.*/, "$1/$2/$2$3")}`' ], "response_headers" => [ "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=31556926" ] ] ], [ "action" => [ "share" => '/app/$uri', "types" => [ "image/*", "application/javascript", "text/css", "application/sourcemap", "!" ], "response_headers" => [ "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=31556926" ], "fallback" => [ "pass" => "applications/shimmie" ] ] ] ], "applications" => [ "shimmie" => [ "type" => "php", "user" => "shimmie", "root" => "/app/", "script" => "index.php", "working_directory" => "/app/", "options" => [ "admin" => $php_ini ], "processes" => [ "max" => 8, "spare" => 2, "idle_timeout" => 60 ] ] ], "settings" => [ "http" => [ "max_body_size" => (int)$php_ini['post_max_size'], "static" => [ "mime_types" => [ "application/sourcemap" => [".map"] ] ] ] ] ]; file_put_contents( '/var/lib/unit/conf.json', json_encode($config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ); // Start the web server pcntl_exec('/usr/sbin/unitd', [ '--no-daemon', '--control', 'unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock', '--log', '/dev/stderr' ]);