* Link: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ * License: GPLv2 * Description: Regenerate a thumbnail image * Documentation: * This adds a button in the image control section on an * image's view page, which allows an admin to regenerate * an image's thumbnail; useful for instance if the first * attempt failed due to lack of memory, and memory has * since been increased. */ class RegenThumb extends Extension { public function regenerate_thumbnail($image, $force = true): string { global $database; $event = new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($image->hash, $image->ext, $force); send_event($event); $database->cache->delete("thumb-block:{$image->id}"); return $event->generated; } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $database, $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("regen_thumb/one") && $user->can("delete_image") && isset($_POST['image_id'])) { $image = Image::by_id(int_escape($_POST['image_id'])); $this->regenerate_thumbnail($image); $this->theme->display_results($page, $image); } if ($event->page_matches("regen_thumb/mass") && $user->can("delete_image") && isset($_POST['tags'])) { $tags = Tag::explode(strtolower($_POST['tags']), false); $images = Image::find_images(0, 10000, $tags); foreach ($images as $image) { $this->regenerate_thumbnail($image); } $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/list")); } } public function onImageAdminBlockBuilding(ImageAdminBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($user->can("delete_image")) { $event->add_part($this->theme->get_buttons_html($event->image->id)); } } // public function onPostListBuilding(PostListBuildingEvent $event) // { // global $user; // if ($user->can("delete_image") && !empty($event->search_terms)) { // $event->add_control($this->theme->mtr_html(Tag::implode($event->search_terms))); // } // } public function onBulkActionBlockBuilding(BulkActionBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($user->can("delete_image")) { $event->add_action("Regen Thumbnails","",$this->theme->bulk_html()); } } public function onBulkAction(BulkActionEvent $event) { global $user; switch($event->action) { case "Regen Thumbnails": if ($user->can("delete_image")) { $force = true; if(isset($_POST["bulk_regen_thumb_missing_only"]) &&$_POST["bulk_regen_thumb_missing_only"]=="true") { $force=false; } foreach ($event->items as $image) { if($this->regenerate_thumbnail($image, $force)) { $event->running_total++; } } flash_message("Regenerated thumbnails for $event->running_total items"); } break; } } public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event) { $this->theme->display_admin_block(); } public function onAdminAction(AdminActionEvent $event) { global $database; switch($event->action) { case "regen_thumbs": $event->redirect = true; $force = false; if(isset($_POST["regen_thumb_force"])&&$_POST["regen_thumb_force"]=="true") { $force=true; } $limit = 1000; if(isset($_POST["regen_thumb_limit"])&&is_numeric($_POST["regen_thumb_limit"])) { $limit=intval($_POST["regen_thumb_limit"]); } $type = ""; if(isset($_POST["regen_thumb_limit"])) { $type = $_POST["regen_thumb_type"]; } $images = $this->get_images($type); $i = 0; foreach ($images as $image) { if(!$force) { $path = warehouse_path("thumbs", $image["hash"], false); if(file_exists($path)) { continue; } } $event = new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($image["hash"], $image["ext"], $force); send_event($event); if($event->generated) { $i++; } if($i>=$limit) { break; } } flash_message("Re-generated $i thumbnails"); break; case "delete_thumbs": $event->redirect = true; if(isset($_POST["delete_thumb_type"])&&$_POST["delete_thumb_type"]!="") { $images = $this->get_images($_POST["delete_thumb_type"]); $i = 0; foreach ($images as $image) { $outname = warehouse_path("thumbs", $image["hash"]); if(file_exists($outname)) { unlink($outname); $i++; } } flash_message("Deleted $i thumbnails for ".$_POST["delete_thumb_type"]." images"); } else { $dir = "data/thumbs/"; $this->remove_dir_recursively($dir); flash_message("Deleted all thumbnails"); } break; } } function get_images(String $ext = null) { global $database; $query = "SELECT hash, ext FROM images"; $args = []; if($ext!=null&&$ext!="") { $query .= " WHERE ext = :ext"; $args["ext"] = $ext; } return $database->get_all($query, $args); } function remove_dir_recursively($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") { $this->remove_dir_recursively($dir."/".$object); } else { unlink ($dir."/".$object); } } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } }