page = $page; $this->query = $query; } public function make_link(): string { return make_link($this->page, $this->query); } } /** * Figure out the correct way to link to a page, taking into account * things like the nice URLs setting. * * eg make_link("post/list") becomes "/v2/index.php?q=post/list" */ function make_link(?string $page=null, ?string $query=null): string { global $config; if (is_null($page)) { $page = $config->get_string(SetupConfig::MAIN_PAGE); } $install_dir = get_base_href(); if (SPEED_HAX || $config->get_bool('nice_urls', false)) { $base = $install_dir; } else { $base = "$install_dir/index.php?q="; } if (is_null($query)) { return str_replace("//", "/", $base.'/'.$page); } else { if (strpos($base, "?")) { return $base .'/'. $page .'&'. $query; } elseif (strpos($query, "#") === 0) { return $base .'/'. $page . $query; } else { return $base .'/'. $page .'?'. $query; } } } /** * Take the current URL and modify some parameters */ function modify_current_url(array $changes): string { return modify_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $changes); } function modify_url(string $url, array $changes): string { $parts = parse_url($url); $params = []; if(isset($parts['query'])) parse_str($parts['query'], $params); foreach ($changes as $k => $v) { if (is_null($v) and isset($params[$k])) { unset($params[$k]); } $params[$k] = $v; } $parts['query'] = http_build_query($params); return unparse_url($parts); } /** * Turn a relative link into an absolute one, including hostname */ function make_http(string $link): string { if (strpos($link, "://") > 0) { return $link; } if (strlen($link) > 0 && $link[0] != '/') { $link = get_base_href() . '/' . $link; } $protocol = is_https_enabled() ? "https://" : "http://"; $link = $protocol . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $link; $link = str_replace("/./", "/", $link); return $link; } /** * If HTTP_REFERER is set, and not blacklisted, then return it * Else return a default $dest */ function referer_or(string $dest, ?array $blacklist=null): string { if(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) return $dest; if($blacklist) { foreach($blacklist as $b) { if(strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $b)) return $dest; } } return $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; }