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2024-01-03 23:57:17 +00:00

49 lines
1.8 KiB

/*jshint bitwise:false, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, evil:true, forin:false, noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true, undef:false, strict:false, browser:true, jquery:true */
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
let blocked_tags = (shm_cookie_get("ui-blocked-tags") || "").split(" ");
let blocked_css = blocked_tags
.filter(tag => tag.length > 0)
.map(tag => tag.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\\\""))
.map(tag => `.shm-thumb[data-tags~="${tag}"]`).join(", ");
if(blocked_css) {
let style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerHTML = blocked_css + " { display: none; }";
//Generate a random seed when using order:random
$('form > input[placeholder="Search"]').parent().submit(function(e){
var input = $('form > input[placeholder="Search"]');
var tagArr = input.val().split(" ");
var rand = (($.inArray("order:random", tagArr) + 1) || ($.inArray("order=random", tagArr) + 1)) - 1;
if(rand !== -1){
tagArr[rand] = "order:random_"+Math.floor((Math.random()*9999)+1);
input.val(tagArr.join(" "));
* If an image list has a data-query attribute, append
* that query string to all thumb links inside the list.
* This allows us to cache the same thumb for all query
* strings, adding the query in the browser.
document.querySelectorAll(".shm-image-list").forEach(function(list) {
var query = list.getAttribute("data-query");
if(query) {
list.querySelectorAll(".shm-thumb-link").forEach(function(thumb) {
thumb.setAttribute("href", thumb.getAttribute("href") + query);
function select_blocked_tags() {
var blocked_tags = prompt("Enter tags to ignore", shm_cookie_get("ui-blocked-tags") || "AI-generated");
if(blocked_tags !== null) {
shm_cookie_set("ui-blocked-tags", blocked_tags.toLowerCase());